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A Comparison of Different Countries’ Approaches to Cult-Related Issues. Michael Kropveld. ICSA e-Newsletter, 7(1), 2008.
Academic Disputes and Dialogue Collection: Preface. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D. ICSA E-Newsletter, 4(3), 2005.
An Investigation into Cult Pseudo-Personality: What is It and How Does It Form? - Gillie Jenkinson, M.A. Cultic Studies Review , 7(3), 2008, 199-224.
An Open Letter to Clergy Regarding Helping Former Members of Abusive Churches or Cults. Carol Giambalvo. ICSA Today, 3(2), 2012.
Are Cultic Environments Psychologically Harmful? Jodi Aronoff McKibben, M.S.; Steven Jay Lynn, Ph.D.; Peter Malinoski, Ph.D. Cultic Studies Review, 1(3), 2002.
Building Resistance: Tactics for Counteracting Manipulation and Unethical Hypnosis in Totalistic Groups. Steve K. D. Eichel, Ph.D.
Characteristics of Cultic Groups. Michael Langone.
Child Fatalities from Religion-Motivated Neglect. Seth M. Asser, M.D. & Rita Swan, Ph.D. Cultic Studies Journal, 17, 2000, 1-14.
Children and Cults. Michael D. Langone & Gary Eisenberg. In Michael D. Langone (Ed). Recovery From Cults: Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse. Norton, 1993.
Clinical Update on Cults. Michael Langone. Psychiatric Times, July 1996.
Cult Formation. Robert Jay Lifton, M.D. Cultic Studies Journal, 8(1), 1991, 1-6.
Cultic Crimes in North America (Power Point Presentation). Michael Langone.
Cults in American Society: A Legal Analysis of Undue Influence, Fraud, and Misrepresentation. David Hominek. Cultic Studies Journal, 12(1), 1995, 1-48.
Cults in Court. Sarah Van Hoey. Cultic Studies Journal, 8(1), 1991, 61-79.
Dysfunctional Churches. Ronald Enroth. Cult Observer, (9)4, 1992.
Exit Counseling and the Decline of Deprogramming. Stephen A. Kent; Joseph P. Szimhart. Cultic Studies Review, 1(3), 2002, 241-291.
Governments and Cults. Michael Kropveld. ICSA E-Newsletter, 7(2), 2008.
Growing up in the Culture of a Cult. Lorna Goldberg.
How Could Anyone Join a Cult?!! Maureen Griffo.
How the United States Marine Corps Differs from Cults. Margaret Thaler Singer, Ph.D., Janja Lalich, M.A.
Influence. Robert Cialdini.
Interacting with "Cults": A Policing Model. Adam Szubin; Carl J. Jensen; Rod Gregg. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin ,69(9), 2000.
Mind Control: Psychological Reality or Mindless Rhetoric. Philip Zimbardo. Cultic Studies Review, 1(3), 2003, 1-3.
Origins and Prevention of Abuse in Religious Groups. Michael Langone
Physical Child Abuse in Sects. Lois Kendall, PhD. ICSA Today, 2(2), 2011, pages.
Policy Implications of Cultic Studies Research. Michael Langone
Prevalence. Michael Langone
Questionnaire Study: Preliminary Report. Michael D. Langone, PhD.
Questions and Answers about Memories of Childhood Abuse. American Psychological Association.
Religion vs. Cult. Rev. Richard Dowhower.
Report of the Task Force to Study the Effects of Cult. Activities on Public Senior Higher Education Institutions – Summary. William T. Wood. Cults and Society, 1(1), 2001.
Research on Destructive Cults. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.
Six Conditions for Thought Reform. Margaret T. Singer Ph.D.
The Challenge of Defining Cult
The Ethics of Evangelism and Cult Recruitment. By Elmer Thiessen. ICSA Today, 4(3), 2013.
The PRC and Falun Gong. Michael D. Langone, PhD. Cultic Studies Review, 6(3), 2007, 235-285.
The Red Mosque: A Case Study of How Religion Can Evolve into a Terrorist Cult. Ana Ballesteros Peiró; M. Jesus Martin Lopez, PhD; Jose Manuel Martinez, PhD. Cultic Studies Review, 8(3), 2009, 266-280.
Undue Influence and Written Documents: Psychological Aspects. Margaret Thaler Singer, PhD. Cultic Studies Journal, 10(1), 1993, 19-32.
What Messages are Behind Today's Cults? Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D. Monitor of the American Psychological Association, May 1997, 14.
When You’re Asked About Cults. Robert Fellows, MTS. From Easily Fooled. Copyright Robert Fellows.