Cultic Studies Review
CSR Vol. 1, No. 1 (2002) - PDF of Issue
Introduction to Cultic Studies Review. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.(1-2)
Current Status of Federal Law Concerning Violent Crimes Against Women and Children. Robin Boyle, J.D.(65-89)
Can Scholars Be Deceived? Empirical Evidence from Social Psychology and History. Steve Eichel, Ph.D.(51-64)
Reflecting on Cultural Diversity in Response to Cultic Activity. Herbert L. Rosedale, Esq.
History of the American Family Foundation. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.(3-50)
Cult-related Problems in Switzerland: Annual Report 2000 of info-Sekta and Reflections on Governmental Cult Policies. Suzanne Schaaf
Psychogroups and Cults in Denmark. Robert Kronberg; Kristina Ludebjerg
Twenty-Five Years Observing Cults: An American Perspective. Marcia R. Rudin
Perfect Master or Perfect Psychopath. Erica Toren
Seeking Accurate Information: Part I: A Sketch of Currently Available Popular and Professional Books on Cults. Peter Malinoski
Questions from the Balcony: A Critique of Dick Anthony. Herbert L. Rosedale, Esq.
CSR Vol. 1, No. 2 (2002) - PDF of Issue
Cults, Conversion, Science, and Harm. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.(178-186)
Lying in Court and Religion: An Analysis of the Theocratic Warfare Doctrine of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Jerry Bergman, Ph.D.
The Spread of Ásatrú in Vinland. Thomas Coughlan(151-177)
Teenage Spirituality and the Internet. Alison Lutz & Rev. Dean Borgman(137-150)
The Death of a Leader: Homicide as a Means of Group Disengagement. Janet Haines, Ph.D. et al.
Column: Getting Help. Livia Bardin, M.S.W.(187-189)
Book Review: From Dean’s List to Dumpsters: Why I left Havard to Join a Cult. (James Guerra) – Daniel Shaw; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: Killer Cults: Murderous Messiahs and Their Fanatical Followers. (Brian Lane) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: Le Dico des sects. (Annick Drogou) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: Les Sectes. (Anne Fournier, Michael Monroy) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: Misunderstanding Cults: Searching for Objectivity in a Controversial Field. (Benjamin Zablocki, Thomas Robbins) – Arthur Dole; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: The Rise and Fall of Synanon: A California Utopia. (Rod Janzen) – Arthur Dole; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: Varieties of Anomalous Experiences: Examining Scientific Evidence. (Etzel Cardena, Steven Lynn, Stanley Krippner) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
CSR Vol. 1, No. 3 (2002) - PDF of Issue
Transformational Leadership, Corporate Cultism, and the Spirituality Paradigm: An Unholy Trinity in the Workplace? Dennis Tourish, Ph.D.; Ashly Pennington
The Cult that is North Korea. Christopher M. Centner (292-308)
Are Cultic Environments Psychologically Harmful? Jodi Aronoff McKibben, M.S.; Steven Jay Lynn, Ph.D.; Peter Malinoski, Ph.D.
Exit Counseling and the Decline of Deprogramming. Stephen A. Kent; Joseph P. Szimhart (241-291)
Terror in the Name of God: The Rise of Religious Terrorism. John W. Morehead; Watchman Fellowship
Death of a Moonie: Reflections of a "Blessed Child.” Donna Orme-Collins (312-315)
Mind Control: Psychological Reality or Mindless Rhetoric? Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D.
Cults of Hatred. Melissa Dittman
Book Reviews: Cults: Too Good to be True. (Raphael Aron) – Livia Bardin; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: Anatomy of a Life Possessed. (Maria Pema) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity. (Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: Cassadaga: The South’s Oldest Spiritual Community. (John Guthrie, Phillip Charles Lucas, Gary Monroe) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
CSR Vol. 2, No. 1 (2003) - PDF of Issue
Aid and Assistance for Consumer Damages from Religious Activities. Japan Federation of Bar Associations (38-49)
Perspectives on Cults As Affected by the September 11th Tragedy. Herbert L. Rosedale, Esq.
AFF 2002 Conference Reports: Introduction. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.
Denouement of the Prophets’ Cult: The Church Universal and Triumphant in Decline. Joseph P. Szimhart
Harm and NRMs: Perspectives from Religious Studies, Sociology, and Psychology – Introduction. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.
Harm and New Religious Movements (NRMs): Some Notes on a Sociological Perspective. Eileen Barker, Ph.D.
Spiritual Harm in New Religions: Reflections on Interviews with Former Members of NRMs. Phillip Charles Lucas, Ph.D.(30-37)
Harm and NRMs: Perspectives from Psychology. Arthur A. Dole, Ph.D., B.B.P.P.
On the Outside Looking In: Growing Up in the Moonies. Flore Singer Aslid (1-8)
Reflections on Marriage and Children After the Cult. Lorna Goldberg, M.S.W. (9-29)
Terrorism and Cults. Hal Mansfield
Frankl Revisited. Rev. Walter Debold
Warning: Meditating May Be Hazardous to Your Health. Sandy Brundage
Book Review: Inside Out: A Memoir of Entering and Breaking Out of a Minneapolis Political Cult. (Alexandra Stein) – Dennis Tourish; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
CSR Vol. 2, No. 2 (2003) - PDF of Issue
Cults and Terrorism: Similarities and Differences. Christopher M. Centner
Traumatic Abuse in Cults: A Psychoanalytic Perspective. Daniel Shaw, C.S.W. (101-129)
The Chemistry of a Conflict: The Chinese Government and the Falun Gong. Patsy Rahn
What Falun Gong Really Teaches. Samuel Luo
Reflections on Falun Gong and the Chinese Government. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.
Cults, State Control, and Falun Gong: A Comment on Herbert Rosedale's "Perspectives on Cults as Affected by the September 11th Tragedy.” Thomas Robbins, Ph.D.
Ideology, Demonization, and Scholarship: The Need for Objectivity—A Response to Robbins' Comments on Rosedale, the Chinese Government, and Falun Gong. Herbert L. Rosedale, Esq.
Special Collection: AFF 2002 Conference Papers (Continued from Vol. 2, No. 1)
International Churches of Christ: Introduction. Carol Giambalvo
The Making of a Disciple in the International Churches of Christ. Kathy Kelly
Clinical and Diagnostic Issues of Cultism: Group Dependence Disorder. Miguel Perlado
An Example for Controversy: Creating a Model for Reconciliation. Michael Kropveld (130-150)
Inner Experience and Conversion. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.
Why Waldorf Programs are Unsuitable for Public Funding. Dan Dugan
Spotlight on Anthroposophy. Sharon Lombard
The Evolution of a Cult and a Support Group for the Families of It’s Members: The Jim Roberts Group and The Roberts Group Parents Network. James Foster; Ronald Loomis; Joseph Szimhart; Larry Wilcox (151-168)
1984 - Once More. Rev. Walter Debold
Book Review: On the Edge: Political Cults Left and Right. (Dennis Tourish, Tim Wohlforth) – Janja Lalich; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: Christian Millenarianism: From the Early Church to Waco. (Stephen Hunt) – Dean Borgman; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: The Fundamentals of Extremism: The Christian Right in America. (K. Blaker) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: The Sixth of Seven Wives: Escape from Modern Day Polygamy. (M. Markert) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
CSR Vol. 2, No. 3 (2003) - PDF of Issue
A Psychoanalytic Look at Recovered Memories, Therapists, Cult Leaders, and Undue Influence. Lorna Goldberg, M.S.W. (246-264)
Japanese Activities to Counter Cults. Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Esq. (225-229)
Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of the Group Psychological Abuse Scale - Carmen Almendros. José Antonio Carrobles, Ph.D.; Álvaro Rodríguez-Carballeira, Ph.D.; Josep María Jansà, M.D. (203 -224)
2002 Report. Attention and Research on Social Addictions (AIS) [see pdf of issue]
Writing Down the Pain: A Case Study of the Benefits of Writing for Cult Survivors. K. Gordon Neufeld 230-245)
Extrapolation, Exaggeration, or Exculpation? Herbert L. Rosedale, Esq.
Film Review: The Matrix Cult – A film Review – Vladimir Tumanov; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: In the Shadow of the New Age: Decoding the Findhorn Foundation. (J.P. Greenaway) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: The Religion that Kills: Christian Science, Abuse, Neglect, and Mind Control. (Linda Kramer) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: The Church Universal and Triumphant: Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s Apocalyptic Movement. (Bradley C Whitsel) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: Holy Madness: the Shock Tactics and Radical Teachings of Crazy-Wise Adepts, Holy Fools, and Rascal Gurus; The Mystery of Light: The Life and Teaching of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. (Georg Fuerstein) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: Enlightenment Blues: My Years with an American Guru. (Andre Van de Braak) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
CSR Vol. 3, No. 1 (2004) - PDF of Issue
Authoritarian Culture and Child Abuse in ISKCON. Nori J. Muster (1-27)
Generational Revolt by the Adult Children of First-Generation Members of the Children of God/The Family. Stephen A. Kent, Ph.D. (56-72)
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Predicaments: The Truth, Deceit, and Issues Surrounding Falun Gong. Frank Tian Xie, Ph.D.; Tracey Zhu, M.D.
Compassion Betrayed: Spiritual Abuse in an American Zen Center. Katherine V. Masis, M.A. 28-55)
The "Helpmate" of Males: An Ethnography on Sex Segregation and Theocracy. Cliff Cheng, Ph.D.
Book Review: The Superpower Syndrome. (Robert Jay Lifton) – Walter Debold; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: My Life in Orange. (T. Guest) – Lois Kendall; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: Holy Rollers: Murder and Madness in Oregon’s Love Cult. (T. McCracken, R.T. Blodgett) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: The Da Vinci Code. (Dan Brown) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: Devotee Farm. (George Vaisnava) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: The Protest. (Kozdrey Bunnell) – Marcia Rudin; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
CSR Vol. 3, No. 2/3 – double issue (2004) - PDF of Issue
Scientific Evaluation of the Dangers Posed by Religious Groups: A Partial Model. Stephen A. Kent, Ph.D. (101-134)
Cults and Religious Privileges in England and Australia: Can the Wheat be Separated from the Chaff? Stephen Bruce Mutch, M.A., LL.B. (135-151)
Persistence of “Deprogramming” Stereotypes in Film. Joseph P. Szimhart (202-225)
Cults and Families. Doni Whitsett, Ph.D. & Stephen A. Kent, Ph.D.
Illegal Missionary Work Lawsuits and Exit Counseling for Unification Church Members. Sakurai Yoshihide, Ph.D.(183-201)
The Teenage Dissent of Newman and Unamuno: Conscience as a Safeguard Against Coercive Manipulation. Kevin B. Fagan, Ph.D. (152-170)
Second Thoughts on Cultic Involvement and Addictive Relationships. Miguel Perlado (171-182)
Using the Bounded Choice Model as an Analytical Tool: A Case Study of Heaven’s Gate. Janja Lalich, Ph.D. (226-247)
Book Review: A Matter of Basic Principles: Bill Gothard and the Christian Life – John Dillion; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: Charles Mason Remey and the Baha’I Faith – Ron Burks; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: Grandparents’ Rights: What Every Grandparent Needs to Know – Robin Boyle; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: Spiritual Intelligence, the Behavioral Sciences, and the Humanities – Rabbi A. James Rudin; Reviewer
Book Review: The Cult Around the Corner – Steve Eichel; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: Terrorismo Religioso. La Guerra del Siglo XXI. El Ataque al World Trade Center y al Pentagono – Carmen Almendros; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: Them and Us: Cult Thinking and the Terrorist Threat – Janja Lalich; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: The Power of Persuasion: How We’re Bought and Sold – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
CSR Vol. 4, No. 1 (2005) - PDF of Issue
Terrorists Are Made, Not Born: Creating Terrorists Using Social Psychological Conditioning. Anthony Stahelski, Ph.D. (30-40)
Imposed Anorexia: A Model of Dietary Restriction in Four Ideological Groups. Jessie Meikle (41-64)
The Cult of Parenthood: A Qualitative Study of Parental Alienation. Amy J. L. Baker, Ph.D. (1-29)
College Students and Religious Groups in Japan: How Are They Influenced and How Do They Perceive Group Members? Ando, Kiyoshi; Tsuchida, Shoji; Imai, Yoshiaki; Shiomura, Kimihiro; Murata, Koji; Watanabe, Namiji; Nishida, Kimiaki; Genjida, Ken'ichi
Book Review: Bounded Choice: True Believers and Charismatic Cults (Janja Lalich) – J. Anna Looney, Reviewer (65-69)
Book Review: God’s Brothel: The Extortion of Sex for Salvation in Contemporary Mormon and Christian Fundamentalist Polygamy and the Stories of 18 Women Who Escaped (Andrea Moore Emmett) – Doni Whitsett, Reviewer (70-75)
Book Review: Lost and Found: My Life in Group Marriage Commune – Alexandra Stein; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: People Who Play God: How Ultra-Authorities Enslave the Hearts, Minds, and Souls of Their Victims – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: Le Phenonene des Sectes. L’Etude du Fonctionnement des Groupes Critique faite par Jean-Guy Vaillancourt (e-version, no page numbers)
CSR Vol. 4, No. 2 (2005) - PDF of Issue
Education and Reeducation in Ideological Organizations and Their Implications for Children. Stephen A. Kent, Ph.D. (119-145)
Cult Awareness Groups and NRM Scholars: Toward Depolarization of Key Issues. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D. (146-168)
Methodological Fallacies in Anthony’s Critique of Exit Cost Analysis. Benjamin Zablocki, Ph.D.
Book Review: Servant of the Lotus Feet: A hare Krishna Odyssey (S. G. Brandis) – Nori Muster, Reviewer (169-177)
Book Review: Science and Pseudoscience in Clinical Psychology (Scott Lillienfeld, Steven Jay Lynn & Jeffrey Lohr) – Arthur A. Dole, Reviewer (178-181)
Book Review: Going Deeper: How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
CSR Vol. 4, No. 3 (2005) - PDF of Issue
Development of the Study of Mind Control in Japan. Kimiaki Nishida, Ph.D. (215-232)
Child Protection in an Authoritarian Community: Culture Clash and Systemic Weakness. Livia Bardin, M.S.W. (233-267)
The Violence of Jim Jones: A Biopsychosocial Explanation. Candice Lys (268-294)
Book Review: The Serpent Rising: A Journey of Spiritual Seduction – Marybeth Ayella; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: A Guide to New Religious Movement – Richard Dowhower; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
Book Review: God vs. the Gavel: Religion and the Rule of Law – Edward Lottick; Reviewer (e-version, no page numbers)
CSR Vol. 5, No. 1 (2006) - PDF of Issue
Raised in Cultic Groups: The Impact on the Development of Certain Aspects of Character. Lorna Goldberg, M.S.W. (1-28)
Charismatic Leadership and Corporate Cultism at Enron: The Elimination of Dissent, the Promotion of Conformity, and Organizational Collapse. Dennis Tourish, Ph.D.; Naheed Vatcha (87-124) - Special Graphic for this article
The Children of God/The Family: A Discussion of Recent Research (1998–2005). Susan Raine 29-72)
The Seven-Stage Hate Model: The Psychopathology of Hate Groups. John R. Schafer, M.A.; Joe Navarro, M.A. (73-86)
Book Review: Terror in the Name of God. (Jessica Stern) – Anthony Stahelski; Reviewer (146-152)
Book Review: All the Fishes Come Home to Roost: An American Misfit in India. (Rachel Brown) – Thomas Robbins; Reviewer (153-158)
Book Review: Opus Dei. (John Allen) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (159-164)
Book Review: Imaginary Friends. (Alison Lurie) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (165-168)
CSR Vol. 5, No. 2 (2006) - PDF of Issue
Terror and Terrorism: A History of Ideas and Philosophical-Ethical Reflections. Brig. Gen. Edwin R. Micewski (219-243)
Cultism, Terrorism, and Homeland Security. Stephen Bruce Mutch, Ph.D., LL.B.(169-197)
Terrorist Motivations, Extreme Violence, and the Pursuit of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). Jaime Gomez (244-267)
Are Terrorists Cultists? Arthur A. Dole, Ph.D., ABPP(198-218)
Responding to Jihadism: A Cultic Studies Perspective. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.(268-306)
Book Review: Help at Any Cost. (Maia Szalavitz) – Steve Eichel; Reviewer (327-332)
Book Review: Madness and Evil: A Review of the Sullivanians/Fourth Wall Community. (Amy Siskind) – Daniel Shaw; Reviewer (333-343)
Book Review: Occult: They Didn’t Think It Could Happen In Their Church. (June Summers) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (344-346)
Book Review: Theosophy and Culture: Nicholas Roerich. (Anita Stasulane) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer 347-350)
CSR Vol. 5, No. 3 (2006) - PDF of Issue
The Psychobiology of Trauma and Child Maltreatment. Doni Whitsett, Ph.D., L.C.S.W.(351-373)
The Problems and Possibilities of Defining Precise Criteria to Distinguish Between Ethical and Unethical Proselytizing/Evangelism. Elmer J. Thiessen, Ph.D. (374-389)
Antisocial Personality Disorder in Cult Leaders and Induction of Dependent Personality Disorder in Cult Members. John Burke, Ph.D.(390-410)
Book Review: Captives of a Concept: Understanding the Illusionary Concept that Holds Jehovah’s Witnesses Captive (Don Cameron) – Marcia Rudin; Reviewer (445-446)
Book Review: Out of the Cocoon: A Young Woman’s Courageous Flight from the Grip of a Religious Cult (Brenda Lee) – Mary Kochan; Reviewer (447-450)
Book Review: The Great Failure: A Bartender, A Monk, and My Unlikely Path to Truth (Natalie Goldberg) – Katherine V. Masis; Reviewer (451-453)
Book Review: I Can’t Hear God Anymore (Wendy Duncan) – Lois Svoboda; Reviewer (454-455)
CSR Vol. 6, No. 1 (2007) - PDF of Issue
Former Members’ Perceptions of Cult Involvement. Carmen Almendros, Ph.D.; José A. Carrobles, Ph.D.; Álvaro Rodríguez-Carballeira, Ph.D.(1-20)
The Psychology of Prophetic Charisma: New Approaches to Understanding Joseph Smith and the Development of Charismatic Leadership. Lawrence Foster(21-40)
The Prophet's Fall: A Note in Response to Lawrence Foster's "The Psychology of Prophetic Charisma." Len Oakes, Ph.D.(41-43)
Fear and Pride in Ideographic Identification. Amy Osmond(44-76)
Book Review: Awesome Families: The Promise of Healing Relationships in the International Churches of Christ (Kathleen E. Jenkins) – Janja Lalich; Reviewer (77-79)
Book Review: New Religion and the Nazis (Karla Poewe) – Alexander Andron; Reviewer (80-81)
Book Review: Abducted: How People Come to Believe They Were Abducted by Aliens (Susan A. Clancy) – Ron Burks; Reviewers, 82-83)
Book Review: Polygamy’s Rape of Rachel Strong: Protected Environments for Predators (John R. Llewellyn) – Laura Weber; Reviewer, 84-87)
CSR Vol. 6, No. 2 (2007) - PDF of Issue
The Psychology of Religious Genius: Joseph Smith and the Origins of New Religious Movements. Lawrence Foster, Ph.D.(173-203)
A Response to James D. Chancellor’s Life in The Family: An Oral History of the Children of God. Perry Bulwer, B.A., LL.B.(101-159)
A Response to Perry Bulwer’s Evaluation of Life in the Family. James D. Chancellor, M. Div., Ph. D.(160-166)
A Rejoinder to James Chancellor’s Response to My Article. Perry Bulwer, B.A., LL.B.9 (167-172)
Book Review: The Boy Who Was Raised As a Dog and Other Stories from a Child Psychiatrists Notebook: What Traumatized Children Can Teach Us About Loss, Love and Healing (Bruce Perry & Maia Szalavitz) – Doni Whitsett; Reviewer (204-209)
Book Review: Herding the Moo: Exploits of a Martial Arts Cult (Joe Smith) – Marcia Rudin; Reviewer, 210-212)
Book Review: The Devil is a Gentleman: Exploring America’s Religious Fringe (J. C. Hallman) – J. Anna Looney; Reviewer (213-216)
Book Review: Isaac Newton: The Last Sorcerer (Michael White)– Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (217-222)
CSR Vol. 6, No. 3 (2007) - PDF of Issue
The PRC and Falun Gong. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.(235-285)
Falun Gong and the World: How Many Eight-Years Do We Need? – Comment on Langone (2007). Frank Tian Xie, Ph.D. (286-294)
Reply to Xie. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D. (295-297)
Cultish Religious Sects and Politics: The Brethren v. Greens Contest and Other Controversies Involving Minor Religious Sects Down Under. Stephen Mutch, Ph.D. L.L.B. (UNSW) (298-312)
Book Review: Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress (Dai Sijie) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (313-316)
Book Review: The A to Z of New Religious Movements (George Chryssides) – Richard Dowhower; Reviewer (317-322)
Book Review: The Rhetoric of Religious “Cults”: Terms of Use and Abuse (Anabelle Mooney)– Matthew Forester, Reviewer (323-326)
Book Review: The Heart of a Cult (Lena Phoenix) – Gina Maria Catena; Reviewer (327-328)
CSR Vol. 7, No. 1 (2008) - PDF of Issue
Un modèle d’intervention auprès des proches d’adeptes : le concept de co-adepte. Jean-Claude Maes (42-54)
The Internet as a New Place for Sects. Luis Santamaría del Río (20-41)
Psychologist Survey Regarding Cults. Edward A. Lottick, M.D.(1-19)
Comment on “The Rhetoric of Religious ‘Cults’: Terms of Use and Abuse.” Michael Kropveld (55-56)
Book Review: Adult Children of Parental Alienation Syndrome: Breaking the Ties that Bind (Amy Baker) – Lorna Goldberg; Reviewer (57-63)
Book Review: Power Games: Influence, Persuasion and Indoctrination in Psychotherapy Training (Richard Rauboit) – Steve Eichel; Reviewer (64-72)
Book Review: Weapons of Fraud: A Source Book for Fraud Fighters (Anthony Pratkanis & Doug Shadel) – Colleen Russell; Reviewer (73-78)
Book Review: Malignant Pied Pipers of Our Time: A Psychological Study of Destructive Cult Leaders from Reverend Jim Jones to Osama Bin Laden (Peter A. Olsson) – Arthur Dole; Reviewer (79-82)
CSR Vol. 7, No. 2 (2008) - PDF of Issue
Innocent Murderers? Abducted Children in the Lord’s Resistance Army. Terra Manca (129-166)
Contemporary Uses of the Brainwashing Concept: 2000 to Mid-2007. Stephen A. Kent, Ph.D. (99-128)
Book Review: Justice Denied, What America Must Do to Protect Its Children (Marci Hamilton) – Andrea Moore Emmett; Reviewer (167-168)
Book Review: Hare Krishna Transformed (E. Burke Rochford) – Marcia Rudin; Reviewer (169-174)
Book Review: The Heart of Islam: Enduring Values for Humanity (Seyyed Hossein Nasr) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (175-181)
Book Review: The Caged Virgin: A Muslim Woman’s Cry for Reason (Ayaan Hirsi Ali) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (175-181)
Book Review: No god but God: Origins, Evolution and Future Islam (Reza Aslan) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (175-181)
Book Review: Shamans and Religion: An Anthropological Exploration in Critical Thinking (Alic Beck Kehoe) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (182-187)
Book Review: Dream Catchers: How Mainstream America Discovered Native Spirituality (Philip Jenkins) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (182-187)
Book Review: The Battle for God: Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam (Karen Armstrong) – Bonnie McKenzie; Reviewer 188-189)
CSR Vol. 7, No. 3 (2008) - PDF of Issue
An Investigation into Cult Pseudo-Personality: What is It and How Does It Form? - Gillie Jenkinson, M.A. (199-224)
Narcissistic Fraud in the Ancient World: Lucian’s Account of Alexander of Abonuteichos and the Cult of Glycon - Stephen A. Kent, Ph.D. (225-253)
Conflict Between Aum Critics and Human Rights Activists in Japan - Yoshihide Sakurai, Ph.D.(254-278)
Book Review: Not Without My Sister: The True Story of Three Girls Violated and Betrayed (Kristina Jones, Celeste Jones, Juliana Buhring) – Miriam Boeri; Reviewer (279-290)
Book Review: Jesus Freaks: A True Story of Murder and Madness on the Evangelical Edge (Don Lattin) – Miriam Boeri; Reviewer (279-290)
Book Review: When the Body is the Target: Self-Harm, Pain and Traumatic Attachments (Sharon Klayman Farber) – Lorna Goldberg; Reviewer (291-296)
Book Review: Shattered Dreams My Life as a Polygamist’s Wife (Irene Spencer) – Livia Bardin, Reviewer (297-306)
Book Review: Escape (Carolyn Jessop with Laura Palmer) – Livia Bardin, Reviewer (297-306)
Book Review: Stolen Innocence (Elissa Wall with Lisa Pulitzer) – Livia Bardin; Reviewer (297-306)
Book Review: What Orwell Didn’t Know: Propaganda and the New Face of American Politics (Andras Szanto) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (307-315)
CSR Vol. 8, No. 1 (2009) - PDF of Issue
Prevention Program on Psychologically Manipulative Techniques - Esther Maté, Olga Juárez, Núria Ribas-Fitó, Mónica Cortés, Maria Pau González, Miguel Perlado, Vega González, Josep Maria Jansà (1-15)
Ritual of Separation: An Integrative Guideline for Helping Clients from High-Intensity Faith Groups - Martin John Faulkner (16-42)
The Influence of Persuasive Strategies Used by Cultic Groups in the Context of Forewarning - Dariusz Krok, Ph.D. (43-67)
Book Review: Rudolf Steiner: An Introduction to His Life and Work (Gary Lachman) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (
Book Review: Turn Off Your Mind: The Mystic Sixties and the Dark Side of the Age of Aquarius (Gary Lachman) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (72-76)
Book Review: The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil (Philip Zimbardo) – Monica Pignotti; Reviewer (77-83)
Book Review: Worship and Sin: An Exploration of Religion-Related Crime in the United States (Karel Kurst-Swanger) – Marcia Rudin; Reviewer (84-87)
CSR Vol. 8, No. 2 (2009) - PDF of Issue
Reasons for Leaving: Psychological Abuse and Distress Reported by Former Members of Cultic Groups - Carmen Almendros, Ph.D.; José Antonio Carrobles, Ph.D.; Álvaro Rodríguez-Carballeira, Ph.D. & Manuel Gámez-Guadix (111-138)
A Single-Case Design Implementing Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) with an Ex-Cult Member - Robert R. DeYoung, Ed.D. (139-153)
Terrorist Organizations Are Cults - Masoud Banisadr (154-184)
Book Review: Tabernacle of Hope. Bridging Your Darkened Past Toward a Brighter Future (Kerry Noble) – Arthur Dole; Reviewer (185-186)
Book Review: The Complex: An Insider Exposes the Covert World of the Church of Scientology (John Duignan with Nicola Taliant) – Edward Lottick; Reviewer (187-189)
Book Review: Island (Aldous Huxley) – Joe Szimhart; Reviewer (190-194)
Book Review: Our Father, Who Art in Bed: A Naïve and Sentimental Dubliner in the Legion of Christ (John Paul Lennon) – Joe Szimhart; Reviewer (195-198)
CSR Vol. 8, No. 3 (2009) - PDF of Issue
Razor’s Edge Indeed: A Deprogrammer’s View of Harmful Cult Activity - Joseph Szimhart (231-265)
The Red Mosque: A Case Study of How Religion Can Evolve into a Terrorist Cult - Ana Ballesteros Peiró M. Jesus Martin Lopez, Ph.D. Jose Manuel Martinez, Ph.D. (266-280)
The Violent Outcomes of Ideological Extremism: What Have We Learned Since Jonestown? - Janja Lalich, Ph.D. (281-302)
Book Review: Lost Boy (Brent W. Jeffs with Maia Szalavitz) – Andrea Moore Emmett; Reviewer (303-305)
Book Review: Cartwheels in a Sari: A memoir of Growing up Cult (Jayanti Tamm) – Marcia Rudin; Reviewer (306-310)
Book Review: Prophet’s Daughter: My Life with Elizabeth Clare Prophet Inside the Church Universal and Triumphant (Erin Prophet) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (311-320)
Book Review: Top Secret: The Truth Behind Today’s Pop Mysticisms (Robert M. Price) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (321-333)
CSR Vol. 9, No. 1 (2010) - PDF of Issue
Special Issue: "The Last Draw" - Cults and Creativity
“The Last Draw” – Cults and Creativity - Dana Wehle, L.C.S.W., M.F.A. (1-52)
Cults, Creativity, and Folie: Psychoanalytic Considerations - Miguel Perlado, Ph.D. (53-77)
“Just Joking”: Psychoanalytic Treatment of the Suppression of Creativity in Cults - Dana Wehle, L.C.S.W., M.F.A. (78-105)
Touched: Disconfirming Pathogenic Beliefs of Thought Reform Through the Process of Acting - Colleen Russell, L.M.F.T., C.G.P. (106-134)
Cult Pseudo-Creativity vs. Creativity in Recovery - Gillie Jenkinson, M.A., UKCP (135-163)
Sounding Creativity - Melinda Haas, L.C.S.W. (164-172)
Creativity and Cults from Sociological and Communication Perspectives: The Processes Involved in the Birth of a Secret Creative Self - Miriam Williams Boeri, Ph.D.; Karen Pressley (173-213)
Of Urinals and Dark Forces: An Essay About Harmful Cult Influence on an Artist - Joseph Szimhart (214-231)
Art and Authority: Foreclosing Creativity in Cultic Groups - Steven Gelberg, M.A. (232-249)
Book Review: American Guru: A Story of Love, Betrayal and Healing (William Yenner) – Marta Szabo; Reviewer (250-253)
Book Review: The Spirit Connection: Back to Cassadaga (Janet Karcher and John Hutchinson) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (254-257)