International Journal of Cultic Studies
Most current issue listed at top. Scroll down to see older issues. Issue headers provide link to pdf.
Cultic Abuse Recovery: Counseling Considerations. Rachel Oblak (1-13)
Contextualizing Debates About Brainwashing Within the Discipline of Sociology. Stephen A. Kent and Kelsey Lindquist (14-31)
Homeopathy As a Form of Practical Magic. Jonathan Simmons (32-40)
Ritual Abuse and Developmental Trauma: Application of the Triphasic Model of Trauma Treatment in the Case of “Sarah.” Cortny Stark (41-52)
Failure to Launch Rather Than Clear Sailing: The Media-Focused Trials, Triumphs, and Tribulations of the Church of Scientology in Australia. Stephen B. Mutch (53-71)
Leaving Psychologically—Breaking the Confluential Trance. Gillie Jenkinson (72-80)
Book Review - Transcendental Deception: Behind the TM curtain—bogus science, hidden agendas, and David Lynch’s campaign to push a million public school kids into Transcendental Meditation while falsely claiming it is not a religion (Aryeh Siegel) Reviewer: Joseph Szimhart (81-83)
Book Review - Counterculture Crossover: Growing Up in the Love Family (Rachel Israel) Reviewer: Robert W. Balch (84-90)
Book Review - Blackbird – A Memoir: The Story of a Woman Who Submitted to Marcial Maciel, Became Free and Found Happiness Again (Elena Sada) Reviewer: J. Paul Lennon. (91-92)
The People & the Idiots: Surviving a Cult Childhood (Daniel Hawes) Reviewer: Joseph Szimhart (93-96)
Employing Trafficking Laws to Capture Elusive Leaders of Destructive Cults. Robin Boyle Laisure (1-30)
From Deprogramming to Deradicalization: How Cultic Studies Offers Insights for Subject-Diversion Programs and Suggests Pathways for Complaint About Religious and Ideologically Motivated Abuse in Australia. Stephen B. Mutch (31-42)
Is Psychological Distress Among Former Cult Members Related to Psychological Abuse in the Cult? Maria Göransson and Rolf Holmqvist (43-54)
The Gentle Wind Project: Quasi-Religion and Alternative Health. Kayla Swanson (55-69)
Book and Film Reviews - Born and Raised in a [Sect]: You Are Not Alone (Lois Kendall) Reviewer: Gillie Jenkinson (70-72)
Book Review - Deprogrammed (Writer/Director: Mia Donovan) Reviewer: Joseph Szimhart (73-75)
Book Review - Scientology in Popular Culture: Influences and Struggles for Legitimacy (Stephen A. Kent and Susan Raine, Editors) Reviewer: Sarah Lonelodge (76-78)
Book Review - Cult Recovery: A Clinician’s Guide to Working With Former Members and Family (Editors: Lorna Goldberg, William Goldberg, Rosanne Henry, and Michael D. Langone) Reviewer: Cyndi Matthews (79-82)
The History of Credibility Attacks Against Former Cult Members - Stephen A. Kent, Kayla Swanson
Life After Centrepoint: Accounts of Adult Adjustment After Childhood Spent at an Experimental Community. Kerry Gibson, Mandy Morgan, Cheryl Wooley, and Tracey Powis (1-15)
Prosecuting Child Sexual Abuse in Alternative Religions. Andrea Willey, Stephen A. Kent (16-36)
Second-Generation Religious Cult Survivors: Implications for Counselors. Cyndi H. Matthews (37-49)
Exit Intervention: A New Approach to Saving Family Members From Destructive Groups. Steven A. Autenrieth (50-59)
The Unique Characteristics of Postcult Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Suggested Therapeutic Approaches. Dennis Patrick Healy (60-70)
Book Reviews: Destructive and Terrorist Cults: A New Kind of Slavery: Leader, Followers, and Mind Manipulation. Reviewer, Ron Burks (71-73)
Book Review: Spiritual Abuse Recovery: Dynamic Research on Finding a Place of Wholeness. Reviewer, Patrick J. Knapp (74-75)
Book Review: Dead, Insane, or in Jail: A CEDU Memoir. Reviewer, Joseph Szimhart (76-77)
Book Review: Why They Believe: A Case Study in Contemporary Polygamy. Reviewer, Arthur A. Dole (78-81)
Counseling Former Cultists: The Brief Intermittent Development Therapy (BIDT) Approach. Steve K. D. Eichel (1-14)
Religious Cults, Human Rights, and Public Policy: The Secular Perspective. Stephen Mutch (15-27)
Clubs, Neotribal Enclaves, and Cults: Variations on the Theme of Organizing Members. Mark N. Wexler (28-40)
Abuso Psicológico en Grupos: Taxonomía y Severidad de sus Componentes. Álvaro Rodríguez-Carballeira, Omar Saldaña, Carmen Almendros, Javier Martín-Peña, Jordi Escartín,
y Clara Porrúa-García (41-54)
Book Review - Combating Cult Mind Control: The #1 Best-Selling Guide to Protection, Rescue, and Recovery From Destructive Cults (Steven Hassan) - Marcia Rudin, Reviewer (55-56)
Book Review - The Raincoat People: Confessions of a Cult Member (Lesley Elizabeth Smailes) - Joseph Szimhart, Reviewer (57-62)
Freemen, Sovereign Citizens, and the Challenge to Public Order in British Heritage Countries. Stephen A. Kent (1-15)
Growing Up With Strictly Religious Parents: A Narrative Analysis of Second-Generation Memoirs. Terra Anne Manca (16-33)
Jones on Jesus: Who Is the Messiah? Kristian D. Klippenstein (34-47)
Psychological Manipulation, Hypnosis, and Suggestion. Jose Fernández Aguado (48-59)
Religion et secte, deux concepts latino-chrétiens. Arthur Mary (60-68)
Supporting Human Rights by Testifying Against Human Wrongs. Alan W. Scheflin (69-82)
State Intervention Against The Baptist Church of Windsor: From Law-Abiding Citizens to
Perpetrators of Severe Child Physical Abuse. Dianne Casoni, Adriana Pacheco, Mike Kropveld (83-99)
Book Review - Brief: Reflections on Childhood, Trauma and Society (Bruce D. Perry) - Lois Svoboda, Reviewer (100-101)
Book Review - The Children of God: There Is Life After the Cult (Faye Thomas) - Cynthia Kunsman , Reviewer (102-105)
Book Review - Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs (Steven Hassan) - William Goldberg, Reviewer (106-107)
Book Review - Dolgyal Shugden: A History (The Dolgyal Shugden Research Society) - Joseph Szimhart, Reviewer (108-110)
Introduction to the Monograph. IJCS Editors (1); Introduction to Traumatic Narcissism Issue. Daniel Shaw (2); Introduction to the Conference. Chris Carlson (3)
The Relational System of the Traumatizing Narcissist. Daniel Shaw (4-11)
Cults: A Natural Disaster—Looking at Cult Involvement Through a Trauma Lens. Shelly Rosen (12-29)
Crazy Wisdom: A Personal Account. William Yenner (30-36)
Her Critical Voice Wouldn’t Die. Ann Stamler (37-44)
Pathological Psychoanalysis: An Insider’s View of the Sullivanian/Fourth Wall Psychotherapy Community. Amy B. Siskind (45-51)
Finding and Losing My Religion. Daniel Shaw (52-56)
Book Review: Traumatic Narcissism: Relational Systems of Subjugation (Dan Shaw) - Gillie Jenkinson, Reviewer (57-60)
Book Review: Hungry for Ecstasy: Trauma, the Brain, and the Influence of the Sixties (Sharon Klayman Farber) - Lorna Goldberg, Reviewer (61-63)
Book Review: Beyond Belief: My Secret Life Inside Scientology and My Harrowing Escape (Jenna Miscavage Hill) - Marcia R. Rudin, Reviewer (64-67)
Book Review: Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief (Lawrence Wright) - Terra A. Manca, Reviewer (68-69)
Book Review: In the Name of God: The True Story of the Fight to Save Children From Faith-Healing Homicide (Cameron Stouth) - Elmer J. Thiessen, Reviewer (70-74)
Preliminary Taxonomy of Psychological Abuse Strategies: Within Partner Relationships, at the Workplace, and in Manipulative Groups. Álvaro Rodríguez-Carballeira, CarmenAlmendros, Jordi Escartín, Clara Porrúa,Javier Martín-Peña, Federico Javaloy and José Antonio Carrobles (1-14)
Is Human Universal Energy a Cult Masquerader? Isela M. Verdugo Verdugo (15-25)
Les rapports d’inspection des écoles privées hors contrat en France, outil de prévention de dérives sectaires. Jean-Yves Radigois (26 – 43)
Religion, Revisionists, and Revolutionary Suicide: A Marxist Framework for the Rise and Fall of Communal Religious Groups. Robin D. Willey (44 – 59)
Book Review: For the Love of God. (Lawrence W. Gold) – Daniel Shaw; Reviewer (60-61)
Book Review: The Dark Side of Transformation Leadership: A Critical Perspective. (Dennis Tourish) – Alexandra Stein; Reviewer (62)
Book Review: Violence and New Religious Movements. (James R. Lewis) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (63-69)
Book Review: The House of Yahweh: My Side of the Story. (Kay Hawkins) – RaeAnne Wiseman; Reviewer (70)
Book Review: India in a Mind’s Eye: Travels and Ruminations of an Ambivalent Pilgrim. (Steven Gelberg) – Marcia Rudin; Reviewer 71-72)
Cults, Religion, and China: Policy Frameworks for the Regulation of Religious and Quasireligious Groups. Stephen Mutch (1-15)
Influence of a Charismatic Antisocial Cult Leader: Psychotherapy With an Ex-Cultist Prosecuted for Criminal Behavior. Lorna Goldberg (15-24)
Psychological Makeup of a Pakistani Muslim Suicide Bomber: An Observation-Based Perspective. Aftab Khan (25-34)
Fiabilidad Test-Retest y Validez Diagnóstica de la Escala de Abuso Psicológico en Grupo (GPA-S). Carmen Almendros, José Antonio Carrobles, Álvaro Rodríguez-Carballeira, Manuel Gámez-Guadix, Omar Saldaña, Rubén García-Sánchez, and Noelia Salazar (35-48)
Religious Justifications for Child Sexual Abuse in Cults and Alternative Religions. Stephen A. Kent (49-74)
Book Review: fathermothergod: My Journey Out of Christian Science. (Lucia Greenhouse) – Rita Swan; Reviewer (74-75)
Book Review: Something Somebody Stole: A Personal Journey to Soul Recovery After 20 Years in a Controversial Religious Cult. (Ray Connolly) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (76-78)
Book Review: The Ethics of Evangelism: A Philosophical Defense of Proselytizing and Persuasion. (Elmer John Theissen) – Richard Dowhower; Reviewer (79-81)
The Spartiates As Charismatic Cult. William Blake Tyrrell(1-18)
Challenging Authority: The Role of Dissent in the Formation of the Seventh-Day Adventist Sect. Timothy Dunfield (19-32)
Diana, Leaving the Cult: Play Therapy in Childhood and Talk Therapy in Adolescence. Lorna Goldberg (33-43)
Un análisis de las estrategias y consecuencias del terrorismo psicológico aplicado por el entramado de ETA. Javier Martin-Peña, Álvaro Rodríguez-Carballeira, Jordi Escartín, Clara Porrúa, Omar Saldaña, and Ana Varela-Rey (44-60)
Assessment of Psychological Abuse in Manipulative Groups . Carmen Almendros, Manuel Gámez-Guadix, Álvaro Rodríguez-Carballeira, and José Antonio Carrobles (61-76)
Book Review: “Norman Einstein”: The Dis-Integration of Ken Wilber. (Geoffrey D. Falk) – Arthur Dole; Reviewer (77-78)
Book Review: Spiritual Abuse Recovery: Dynamic Research on Finding a Place of Wholeness. (Barbara Orlowski) – Richard Dowhower; Reviewer (79-81)
Book Review: Religion and Political Violence: Sacred Protest in the Modern World. (Jennifer Jefferis) – Janja Lalich; Reviewer (82-86)
Book Review: Without the Guru: How I took My life Back After 30 Years. (Michael Finch) – Lois Kendall; Reviewer (87)
The Influence Continuum—the Good, the Dubious, and the Harmful—Evidence and Implications for Policy and Practice in the 21st Century - Roderick Dubrow-Marshall (1-12)
Sexual Abuse and the Charismatic Crisis: Dissension and Downfall in the Canadian Kabalarians - Renee Brodie (13-26)
House of Judah, the Northeast Kingdom Community, and the Jonestown Problem: Downplaying Child Physical Abuses and Ignoring Serious Evidence - Stephen A. Kent (27-48)
A Psychosocial Analysis of the Terrorist Group As a Cult - Álvaro Rodríguez-Carballeira, Javier Martín-Peña, Carmen Almendros, Jordi Escartín, Clara Porrúa, and Massimo Bertacco (49-60)
Tratamiento jurídico y policial de las dinámicas de persuasión coercitiva: Las erróneamente llamadas "sectas" o "sectas destructivas" - Ferran Alonso (61-74)
The Identity of Cult Members in the Narrative Aspect - Dariusz Kuncewicz (75-82)
Book Review: Scientology. (James R. Lewis) – Terra Manca; Reviewer (83-88)
Book Review: Spirituality and Psychiatry. (Chris Cook, Andrew Powell, Andrew Sims) – Arthur Dole; Reviewer (89-91)
Book Review: Lost Boys. (Brent W. Jeffs, Maia Szalavitz) – Janja Lalich; Reviewer (92-93)
Book Review: The Patron Saint of Butterflies. (Cecilia Galante) – Edward Lottick; Reviewer (94)
Book Review: La explotacion da la fe: pastores que abusan sexual y economicamente. (Jorge Erdely) – Katherine Masis; Reviewer (95-96)