
On This Page

Some recordings on this page are available to the public on ICSA's YouTube channel.  Most are only available to members through links on this page.

Sample Videos

Coercive Control & Cults: An Overview.  Steve Eichel

Former Jehovah’s Witness Recovery Series 

The objectives for this series are to help former members identify psychological challenges that may arise when they leave the faith, provide relevant background information for therapists working with former Jehovah’s Witnesses, and provide information that will help former Jehovah’s Witnesses in therapy better understand the issues with which they are dealing.

Interview of Michael Shemwell

Cult Stories

In Cult Stories former members of cultic groups or relationships are interviewed by ICSA to explore how they became involved in a group, what their life was like in the group, why they left, and how they dealt with departure. 

Edge and Chase.mp4

Cult Stories: Interview with Charlene Edge and her daughter Rachel Chase

ICSA History Series

ICSA History Collection. Interview of Michael Langone, Executive Director of ICSA since 1980.

ICSA History Collection. Interview of Kay H. Barney, who founded ICSA in 1979 (then called American Family Foundation)

ICSA History Collection: Interview of Mike Kropveld

ICSA History Collection:  Interview of Alan Scheflin

ICSA History Collection: Interview of Carol Giambalvo

An Evening with Margaret Singer and Jolly West