Cultic Studies Journal
CSJ Vol.1. No. 1 (1984) - PDF of Issue
Women, Elderly, and Children in Religious Cults. Marcia Rudin. (8-26)
Brainwashing and the Moonies. Geri Ann Galanti, Ph.D. (27-36)
Avoiding the Extremes in Defining the Extremist Cult. Stephen M. Ash, Ph.D. (37-62)
Deprogramming An Analysis of Parental Questionnaires. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.(63-78)
Family Perspectives on Involvements in New Religious Groups. Lawrence B. Sullivan, Ph.D.(79-102)
Book Review: Influence: The New Psychology of Modern Persuasion (Robert Cialdini) – Steve Wolodkin, Reviewer
CSJ Vol.1. No. 2 (1984) - PDF of Issue
Training Issues for Cult Treatment Programs. David Halperin, M.D.(136-142)
Cults and Children: The Abuse of the Young. A. Markowitz, C.S.W. & D. Halperin, M.D.(143-155)
Mental Health Interventions in Cult-Related Cases: Preliminary Investigation of Outcomes. Steve K. Dubrow-Eichel, Linda Dubrow-Eichel, & Roberta Cobrin Eisenberg.(156-166)
Preventive Education on Cultism for High School Students: A Comparison of Different Programs' Effects on Potential Vulnerability to Cults. Andrea Bloomgarden & Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.(167-177)
Counseling and Involvements in New Religious Groups. Lawrence Bennett Sullivan, Ph.D.(178-195)
On Resisting Social Influence. Susan Andersen, Ph.D. & Philip Zimbardo, Ph.D.(196-219)
CSJ Vol.2. No. 1 (1985) - PDF of Issue
Psychotherapy and the "New Religions": Are They The Same? Daniel Kriegman, Ph.D. & Leonard Solomon, Ph.D.(2-16)
Some New Religions Are Dangerous. Arthur A. Dole, Ph.D. & Steve K. Dubrow-Eichel.(17-30)
Cult-Induced Psychopathology, Part I: Clinical Picture. Stephen M. Ash, Psy.D.(31-90)
Cults Go To High School: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Initial Stage in the Recruitment Process. Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D. & Cynthia F. Hartley. (91-147)
Cult Involvement: Suggestions for Concerned Parents and Professionals. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.(148-168)
CSJ Vol.2. No. 2 (1985) - PDF of Issue
Introduction to Special Issue: Cults, Evangelicals, and the Ethics of Social Influence. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.(231-234)
Shepherding/Discipleship: Theology and Practice of Absolute Obedience. Linda Blood.(235-245)
Campus Crusade: Youth Ministers Find Public High School Campuses to be a Fertile Field for Missionary Endeavor. Hope Aldrich.(246-251)
Autobiography of a Former Moonie. Gary Scharff.(252-258)
Why Evangelicals are Vulnerable to Cults. Rev. Dr. Harold Bussell.(259-266)
The Perils of Persuasive Preaching. Rev. A. Duane Litfin.(267-273)
Selections from the Second Vatican Council's Declaration on Religious Freedom .(274)
Statement of Evaluation Regarding Maranatha Campus Ministries, Maranatha Christian Ministries, Maranatha Christian Church. A Committee of Evangelical Theologians.(278-283)
Guidelines for Opus Dei in Westminister Diocese. Cardinal Basil Hume.(284-285)
Resolution on Missionaries and Deprogramming. Department of Interreligious Affairs, United American Hebrew Congregations.(286-287)
Disciple Abuse. Rev. Gordon MacDonald.(288-295)
How to Talk to People Who are Trying to Save You. Rev. Dr. Ross Miller.(296-298)
Introduction to Contributions of the Inter-Varsity Team. Dietrich Gruen.(299-300) [see pdf of issue]
Prologue: The Evangelicals Set Forth Their Case. Dietrich Gruen.(301-303)
A Code of Ethics for the Christian Evangelist. (304-305)
Ethical Evangelism, Yes! Unethical Proselytizing, No! Rev. Dr. Gordon Lewis.(306-307)
What is Evangelism? Mark McCloskey.(308)
Evangelism: Persuasion or Proselytizing? M. McCloskey.(309-310)
The Ethics of Persuasion in a Pluralistic Culture. M. McCloskey.(311-314)
An Ethic for Christian Evangelism. R. Johannesen, Ph.D.(315)
A Hypothetical Example. Dietrich Gruen.(316)
Religious Freedom at Secular Schools. John W. Alexander.(318-320)
Of Cults and Evangelicals: Labeling and Lumping. Ronald Enroth, Ph.D.(321-325)
Christian Evangelism and Social Responsibility: An Evangelical View. Rev. Dr. Joseph M. Hopkins.(326-329)
Religious Pluralism, Dialogue, and the Ethics of Social Influence. Rev. Dr. Eugene C. Kreider.(329-339)
Evangelization and Freedom in the Catholic Church. Rev. James J. LeBar.(340-347)
A Catholic Viewpoint on Christian Evangelizers. Rev. Dr. James E. McGuire.(348-350)
Ethics in Proselytizing: A Jewish View. Rabbi Ralph D. Mecklenburger.(351-352)
Evangelicals and Cults. Marcia Rudin.(353-357)
Objectionable Aspects of "Cults": Rhetoric and Reality. Thomas Robbins, Ph.D.(358-370)
Cults, Evangelicals, and the Ethics of Social Influence. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.(371-387)
Book Review: Influence: The New Psychology of Modern Persuasion (Robert Cialdini) – Steve Wolodkin (289-398)
CSJ Vol.3. No. 1 (1986) - PDF of Issue
Attacks on Peripheral versus Central Elements of Self and the Impact of Thought Reforming Techniques. Richard Ofshe, Ph.D. & Margaret Thaler Singer, Ph.D. (4-18)
“Mind Control" and the Battering of Women. Teresa Ramirez Boulette, Ph.D. & Susan Andersen, Ph.D. (19-27)
Charismatic Covenant Community: A Failed Promise. Adrian J. Reimers. (28-42)
Charismatic Leadership: A Case in Point. Natalie Isser, Ph.D. & Lita Linzer Schwartz, Ph.D. (43-57)
The Spiritual Crucible: A Critical Guide to America's Religious/Cultic Renaissance. David Christopher Lane. (58-68)
The Vatican Report - Sects or New Religious Movements: A Pastoral Challenge (69-84)
Cultism: A Conference for Scholars and Policy Makers. Report of Wingspread Conference. Louis J. West, M.D. & Michael D. Langone, Ph.D. (85-96)
The Use of Transcendental Meditation to Promote Social Progress in Israel. Mordecai Kaffman, M.D. (97-102)
Comment - Reducing Conflict and Enhancing Quality of Life in Israel Using the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program: Explanation of a Social Research Project. Charles N. Alexander, Ph.D. & David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D. (103-106)
CSJ Vol.3. No. 2 (1986) - PDF of Issue
Cultism and American Culture. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D(157-172)
The Rabbi and the Sex Cult: Power Expansion in the Formation of a Cult. Richard Ofshe, Ph.D.(173-189)
Parental Responses to Their Children's Cult Membership. Lita Linzer Schwartz, Ph.D.(190-203)
My Experience in YWAM: A Personal Account and Critique. Laurie Jacobson.(204-233)
Some Hazards of the Therapeutic Relationship. Jane W. Temerlin, M.S.W. & Maurice K. Temerlin, Ph.D.(234-242)
The Utilization of Hypnotic Techniques in Religious Conversion. Jesse S. Miller, Ph.D.(243-250)
Book Review: To Secure the Blessings of Liberty: American Constitutional Law and the New Religious Movements (William C. Shepherd) – Herbert Rosedale; Reviewer (251-257)
Book Review: Why Cults Succeed Where Church Fails (Ronald M. Enroth & J. Gordon Melton) – Walter Debold; Reviewer (258-263)
Book Review: The God Hustlers (Mary H. Webb) – Lita Linzer Schwartz; Reviewer (264-267)
CSJ Vol.4. No. 1 (1987) - PDF of Issue
Some Rigors of Our Times: The First Amendment and Real Life and Death. One ACLU Member Looks at Guyana, Nazis, and Pornography. Fay Stender, Esq.(1-17)
Comments on Stender Article. George Driesen, Peter N. Georgiades.(18-24)
Psychoanalysis and Cult Affiliation: Clinical Perspectives. David Halperin, M.D.(25-37)
The Cult Appeal: Susceptibilities of the "Missionary Kid." Margaret W. Long, Ph.D.(38-60)
Teaching Students Who Already Know the Truth. David McKenzie, Ph.D.(61-72)
A Comment on McKenzie. Ronald Enroth, Ph.D.(73-77)
A Reply to Enroth. David McKenzie, Ph.D.(78-84)
Book Review: Cult Controversies: The Societal Response to the New Religious Movements (James A. Beckford) – Richard Ofshe; Reviewer (85-87)
Book Review: Church State Relations: Tensions and Transitions (Thomas Robbins & Roland Robertson) – Arthur A. Dole; Reviewer (88-89)
Book Review: Cults, Culture, and the Law: Perspectives on New Religions Movements (Thomas Robbins & William C. Shepherd) – Ronald Enroth; Reviewer (90-91)
Book Review: The Way of the Heart: The Rajneesh Movement (Judith Thompson & Paul Heelas) – John Hochman; Reviewer (92-95)
Book Review: Therapist (Ellen Plasil) – Nathaniel Brandon; Reviewer (96-98)
CSJ Vol.4. No.2/Vol.5 No.1 Double Issue (1987/1988) - PDF of Issue
Cult Vs. Non-Cult Jewish Families: Factors Influencing Conversion. Mark Sirkin, Ph.D. & Bruce A. Grellong, Ph.D.(2-22)
Family Environment as a Factor in Vulnerability to Cult Involvement. Neil Maron, Ph.D.(23-43)
Creating the Illusion of Mind Reading in a Self-Transformation Training. Robert C. Fellows, M.T.S.(44-58)
"Reject the Wicked Man" - Coercive Persuasion and Deviance Production: A Study of Conflict Management. Jerry Paul McDonald. (59-121)
Litigating the Cult-Related Child Custody Case. Randy Francis Kandel, Esq.(122-131)
Confessions of a Cult Watcher. Ronald Enroth, Ph.D.(132-135)
Book Review: The Health and Wealth Gospel (Bruce Baron) – Rita Swan; Reviewer (136-139)
Book Review: The Faith Assembly (Jack P. Clark) – Rita Swan; Reviewer (136-139)
Book Review: Unmasking the New Age (Douglas R Groothius) – Herbert Schlossberg; Reviewer (140-144)
Book Review: Unholy Spirits: Occultism and New Age Humanism (Gary North) – Herbert Schlossberg; Reviewer (140-144)
Book Review: Spiritual Choices: The Problem of Recognizing Authentic and Inauthentic Paths to Inner Transformation (Dick Anthony) – Timothy Brauns; Reviewer (145-149)
CSJ Vol.5. No. 2 (1988) - PDF of Issue
Trouble in Paradise: Some Observations on Psychotherapy with New Agers. Steve & Linda Dubrow-Eichel.(177-192)
Psychotherapy with Ex-Cultists: Four Case Studies and Commentary. L. Goldberg, M.S.W. & W. Goldberg, M.S.W.(193-210)
Psychotherapy of a Casualty from a Mass Therapy Encounter Group: A Case Study. Anita O. Solomon, Ph.D.(211-227)
Ritualistic Abuse of Children: Dynamics and Impact. Susan J. Kelley, R.N., Ph.D.(228-236)
Authority: Its Use and Abuse - A Christian Perspective. Floyd McClung, Jr.(237-245)
Book Review: The Lure of the Cults and New Religions (Ronald Enroth) – Walter Debold; Reviewer (246-247)
Book Review: Unholy Devotion: Why Cults Lure Christians (Harold Bussell) – Richard L. Dowhower; Reviewer (248)
Book Review: The Family and Unification Church (Gene G. James) – Michael Langone; Reviewer (249-251)
Book Review: The Faith Healers (James Randi) – Lawrence Cranberg; Reviewer 252-253)
Book Review: Cults and Consequences: The Definitive Handbook (Rachel Andres & James R. Lane) – Anita O. Solomon (254-255)
Book Review: The Anatomy of Illusion: Religious Cults and Destructive Persuasion (Thomas W. Keiser & Jacqueline L Keiser) – Mark Sirkin; Reviewer (256-257)
CSJ Vol.6. No. 1 (1989) - PDF of Issue
Coerced Confessions: The Logic of Seemingly Irrational Action. Richard Ofshe, Ph.D.(1-15)
Social Influence: Ethical Considerations. Michael Langone, Ph.D.(16-24)
Legal Analysis of Intent as a Continuum Emphasizing Social Context of Volition. Herbert L. Rosedale, Esq.(25-31)
Litigating Child Custody with Religious Cults. Ford Greene, Esq.(69-75)
Cults and Children: The Role of the Psychotherapist. David Halperin, M.D.(76-85)
Family Responses to a Young Adult's Cult Membership and Return. Lorna Goldberg, M.S.W & William Goldberg, M.S.W..(86-100)
Book Review: Combatting Cult Mind Control (Steve Hassan) – Robert E. Schecter; Reviewer (101)
Book Review: The Ultimate Game: The Rise and Fall of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Kate Strelley & Robert D. San Souci) – Linda James; Reviewer (102-104)
Book Review: A Different Gospel (D.R. McConnell) – William W. Menzies; Reviewer (105-106)
Book Review: Cults: Faith Healing and Coercion (Marc Galanter) – Margaret T. Singer; Reviewer (107-116)
CSJ Vol.6. No. 2 (1989) - PDF of Issue
Deprogramming: A Case Study. Steve Dubrow-Eichel, Ph.D.– special issue(1-117)
CSJ Vol.7. No. 1 (1990) - PDF of Issue
Cults and the European Parliament: A Practical Political Response to an International Problem. David Wilshire, MA, MP.(1-14)
Prosecuting an Ex-Cult Member's Undue Influence Suit. Lawrence Levy, J.D.(15-25)
The New Age Movement: Fad or Menace? Arthur Dole, Ph.D., Michael Langone, Ph.D., & Steve Dubrow-Eichel, Ph.D.(26-40)
The Involvement of College Students in Totalist Groups: Causes, Concerns, Legal Issues, and Policy Considerations. Gregory Blimling, Ph.D.(41-68)
Reintegration of Exiting Cult Members with their Families: A Brief Intervention Model. Kevin Crawley, Diana Paulina, M.Ed., & Robert White, L.D.(69-91)
Book Review: Spiritual Warfare: The Politics of the Christian Right (Sarah Diamond) – Ronald Enroth; Reviewer (192-194)
CSJ Vol.7. No. 2 (1990) - PDF of Issue
Psychotherapy Cults. Margaret T. Singer, Ph.D., Maurice Temerlin, Ph.D., & Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.(101-125)
Persuasive Techniques in Contemporary Cults: A Public Health Approach. Louis J. West, M.D.(126-149)
Cult Violence and the Identity Movement. Thomas J. Young, Ph.D.(150-159)
The False Transformational Promise of Bible-Based Cults: Archetypal Dynamics. Nadine Craig, M.A. & Robert Weathers, Ph.D.(160-173)
Deprogramming: A Case Study - Part II: Conversation Analysis. Steve K. Dubrow-Eichel, Ph.D.(174-216)
Book Review: Cults and New Religious Movements, Understanding Cults and New Religions, (Irving Hexham & Karla Poewe) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (217-218)
Book Review: Cults, Sects and the New Age (Rev. James J. LeBar) – Wallace W. Winchell; Reviewer (219)
Book Review: Painted Black (Carl Raschke) – Linda Blood; Reviewer (220-226)
CSJ Vol.8. No. 1 (1991) - PDF of Issue
Cult Formation. Robert Jay Lifton, M.D.(1-6)
The Effect of Religious Cults on Western Mainstream Religion. Marcia Rudin, M.A. & Rabbi A. James Rudin, M.A.(7-36)
The Historical Dimension of Cultic Techniques of Persuasion and Control. Lita Linzer Schwartz, Ph.D.(37-45)
Residential Treatment: The Potential for Cultic Evolution. David A. Halperin, M.D. & Arnold Markowitz, M.S.W.(46-60)
Cults in Court. Sarah Van Hoey.(61-79)
Book Review: Behind the Watchtower Curtain: The Secret Society of Jehovah’s Witnesses (David A. Reed) – Hero M. Lucas; Reviewer (80)
Book Review: The Disciplining Dilemma (Flavil R. Yeakley) – Walter Debold; Reviewer (81-83)
Book Review: In Pursuit of Satan: The Police and the Occult (Robert D. Hicks) – Frank J. MacHovec; Reviewer (84)
Book Review: Money and Power in New Religions (J.T. Richardson) – Frank J MacHovec; Reviewer (85)
Book Review: The New Age Rage (Karen Hoyt & The Spiritual Counterfeits Project) – Lawrence Levy; Reviewer (86)
Book Review: Leaving Cults: The Dynamics of Defection (Stuart A. Wright) – Arthur Dole; Reviewer (87-90)
CSJ Vol.8. No. 2 (1991) - PDF of Issue
Conversion, Religious Change, and the Challenge of New Religious Movements. Johannes Aagaard, Ph.D..(91-103)
Why Cultic Groups Develop and Flourish: A Historian's Perspective. Natalie Isser, Ph.D.(104-121)
Ritual Child Abuse: Understanding the Controversies. David Lloyd, Esq.(122-133)
Outreach to Ex-Cult Members: The Question of Terminology. Michael Langone, Ph.D. & William Chambers, Ph.D.(134-150)
Interesting Times. Kevin Garvey & Linda Blood.(151-190)
Task Force Study of Ritual Crime. Michael Maddox, Esq. & the Virginia State Crime Commission.(191-250)
Book Review: Tu Eres El Amor de Dios (Alfredo Silleta) – Gladys Martin; Reviewer (251)
Book Review: Monkey on a Stick (John Hubner & Lindsey Gruson) – Arthur Dole; Reviewer (252-254)
Book Review: Exit Counseling: A Family Intervention (Carol Giambalvo) – Judy Safransky; Reviewer (255-256)
Book Review: Cults on Campus: Continuing Challenge (Marcia Rudin) – Doris Holloway Abels; Reviewer (257)
CSJ Vol.9. No. 1 (1992) - PDF of Issue
The Cadre Ideal: Origins and Development of a Political Cult. Janja Lalich. (1-77)
Psychiatric Problems in Ex-Members of Word of Life. Gudrun Swartling, O.T. & Per G. Swartling, M.D.(78-88)
The Council of Europe's Report on Sects and New Religious Movements. (89-119)
Book Review: The New Age: A Christian Critique (Ralph Rath) –Walter Debold; Reviewer (120-121)
Book Review: The Wrong Way Home (A.J. Deikman) –Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (122)
Book Review: The Divine Archetype: The Sociobiology and Psychology of Religion (Brant Wenegrat) –John Hochman; Reviewer (122-124)
Book Review: Les Sectes en France (Le Centre de Documentation, d’Education, et d”Action Contre les Manipulations Mentales) –Michael Langone; Reviewer (125)
Book Review : La Persuasione Socialment Accettata, Il Plagio e Il Lavaggio del Cervello (M. DiFiorino) – Michael Langone, Reviewer (126-128)
Book Review : The Satanism Scare (J.T. Richardson, J. Best, D. Bromley) –Carl Raschke; Reviewer (129-135)
CSJ Vol.9. No. 2 (1992) - PDF of Issue
Psychotherapy Cults: An Ethical Analysis. Kim Boland & Gordon Lindbloom, Ph.D.(137-162)
Cults, Coercion, and Contumely. M. Singer, Ph.D. & M. Addis.(163-189)
The Appeal of the Impossible and the Efflorescence of the Unbelievable: A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Cults and Occultism. David A. Halperin, Ph.D.(190-205)
Psychological Abuse. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.(206-218)
Post-Cult Symptoms as Measured by the MCMI Before and After Residential Treatment. Paul R. Martin, Ph.D., Michael D. Langone, Ph.D., Arthur A. Dole, Ph.D., & Jeffrey Wiltrout.(219-250)
Book Review: The Gnostic Mystery (Andrea Grace Diem) – Walter Debold, Reviewer (251-252)
Book Review: Orthodoxy and Heresy: A Biblical Guide to Doctrinal Discernment (R. M. Bowman) – Frank MacHovec, Reviewer (253)
Book Review: Churches that Abuse (Ronald Enroth) – Maxine Pinson, Reviewer (254-257)
Book Review: Apologetics in the New Age: A Christian Critique of Pantheism – Richard L. Dowhower, Reviewer (258-259)
Book Review: Leaders and Followers: A Psychiatric Perspective on Religious Cults (Committee on Psychiatry and Religion, Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry) – John Hochman, Reviewer (260-261)
Book Review: Cults and Personality (Frank MacHovec) – Lita Schwartz, Reviewer (262-263)
CSJ Vol.10. No. 1 (1993) - PDF of Issue
Undue Influence in Contract and Probate Law. Abraham Nievod, Ph.D., J.D.(1-18)
Undue Influence and Written Documents: Psychological Aspects. Margaret Thaler Singer, Ph.D.(19-32)
The Dark Underside: Cultic Misappropriation of Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis. David Halperin, M.D.(33-44)
Cult Conversion, Deprogramming, and the Triune Brain. Geri-Ann Galanti.(45-52)
Is the New Age Movement Harmless? Critics vs. Experts. A. Dole, Ph.D., M. Langone, Ph.D., & S. Dubrow-Eichel, Ph.D.(53-77)
Book Review: Perspectives on the New Age (James. R Lewis & Gordon Melton) –Arthur Dole; Reviewer (78-79)
Book Review: Churches That Abuse (Ronald Enroth) –Margaret Singer; Reviewer (80-84)
Book Review: The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse (David Johnson & Jeff Van Vonderen) –Maxine Pinson; Reviewer (85)
Book Review: Captive Heart, Captive Minds: Freedom and Recovery from Cults and Other Abusive Relationships (Madeleine Tobias & Janja Lalich) –Carol Giambalvo; Reviewer (86-90)
Book Review: What to Do When Psychotherapy Goes Wrong (Shirley J. Siegel) –Marvin Snider; Reviewer (91-93)
Book Review: Sectas: Cuando el Paraiso es un Infierno (Alfredo Silleta) –Gladys Martin; Reviewer (94)
Book Review: Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism (Dennis King) – Andrea Bloomgarden; Reviewer (95-97)
Book Review: Out of the Darkness: Exploring Satanism and Ritual Abuse (D.K. Sakheim & S.E. Devine) –Charles Harvey Miley; Review (98-99)
CSJ Vol.10. No. 2 (1993) - PDF of Issue
Introduction to special issue, "A Dialogue with Dr. Johannes Aagaard." Paul K. Eckstein.(100-102)
Symposium with Johannes Aagaard.(103-194)
Pluralism, Deeds, Creeds, and Cults. Michael Langone, Ph.D.(195-202)
An Exit Counselor's Perspective. David Clark.(203-206)
Religious Recoding. Rev. Walter Debold.(207-215)
Returning to Cosmology: The Logic of the Discussion and the Language of the Soul. Paul K. Eckstein.(216-218)
Book Review: Recovery from Cults: Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse (Michael Langone) –Arthur Dole; Reviewer (219-221)
Book Review: Touchstones: Reconnecting After a Cult Experience (Carroll Stoner & Cynthia Kisser) – Paul Engel; Reviewer (222)
Book Review: Recovery from Abusive Groups (Wendy Ford) –Lee Anne Pellegrini; Reviewer (223-225)
CSJ Vol.11. No. 1 (1994) - PDF of Issue
Strongly Held Views About the New Age: Critics Versus Experts. Arthur Dole, Ph.D. & Michael Langone, Ph.D.(1-28)
God's Company: New Age Ethics and the Bank of Credit and Commerce International. Paul Heelas, Ph.D.(29-36)
Never Say Die. Jeanne Marie Laskas.(37-55)
The Experience of the SPES Foundation: Some Remarks on the Different Attitudes Toward New Religious Movements in Argentina and in Europe. Jose Maria Baamonde, Ph.D.(56-65)
Cults in Latin America. Alfredo Silletta.(66-76)
More Than the Devil's Due. Adrian J. Reimers, Ph.D.(77-87)
The Group Psychological Abuse Scale: A Measure of the Varieties of Cultic Abuse. William Chambers, Ph.D., Michael Langone, Ph.D., Arthur Dole, Ph.D., & James W. Grice.(88-117)
Book Review: The Protean Self (Robert Jay Lifton) –Walter Debold; Reviewer (118-120)
Book Review: The Cult Experience: An Overview of Cults, Their Tradition and Why People Join Them (John J. Collins) –Louis Jolyon West; Reviewer (121-122)
Book Review: Mystical Diets (Jack Raso) –NCAHF Newsletter; Reviewer (123)
Book Review: Dictionary of Cults, Sects, Religions, and the Occult (George A. Mather and Larry A. Nichols) –Maxine Pinson; Reviewer (123-125)
Book Review: The New Age in Argentina (Alfredo Silletta) –Gladys Martin; Reviewer (126-127)
CSJ Vol.11. No. 2 (1994) - PDF of Issue
Lustful Prophet: A Psychosexual Historical Study of the Children of God's Leader, David Berg. Stephen A. Kent, Ph.D. (135-188)
Psychological Issues of Former Fundamentalists. James C. Moyers.(189-199)
Promises and Illusions: A Commencement Address. Herbert L. Rosedale, Esq.(200-210)
Sleep Deprivation. Jean-Louis Valatx.(211-216)
Book Review : Therapy Gone Mad (Carol Lynn Mithers) –Doni Whitsett ; Reviewer (217-218)
Book Review: Madame Blavatsky’s Baboon (Peter Washington) –Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (219-221)
Book Review: The Guru Papers (Joel Kramer, Diana Alstad) –Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (222)
Book Review: Shooting for the Stars (Ross Clifford and Philip Johnson) –Walter Debold; Reviewer (223)
Book Review: The Celestine Prophecy (James Redfield) –Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (223-226)
Book Review: Blurred Boundaries (M.C. Miller) –Frank MacHovec (227)
Book Review: Mind-Forged Manacles (Thomas Case) –Walter Debold; Reviewer (228-233)
CSJ Vol.12. No. 1 (1995) - PDF of Issue
Cults in American Society. American Bar Association Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law. (1-48)
Expanding the Groupthink Explanation to the Study of Contemporary Cults. Mark N. Wexler, Ph.D.(49-71)
Judgment by the Fukuoka (Japan) District Court on the Unification Church.(72-102)
Book Review: The Kingdom of Matthias: A Story of Sex and Salvation in the 19th Century American (Paul Johnson, Sean Wilentz) –James C. Moyers; Reviewer (103-106)
Book Review: Without Sin: The Life and Death of the Onieda Community (Spencer Klaw) –James C. Moyers; Reviewer (103-106)
Book Review: Sin—Radical Evil in Soul and Society (Ted Peters) –Richard Dowhower; Reviewer (107-109)
Book Review: More Revealed: A Critical Analysis of Alcoholics Anonymous and the Twelve Steps (K. Ragge) –Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (110-111)
Book Review: When the New Age Gets Old: Looking for a Greater Spirituality (V. Mangalwadi) –Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (112)
Book Review: Dictionary of Cults, Sects, Religion and the Occult (George Mather & Larry Nichols) –Arthur Dole; Reviewer (113-116)
Book Review: The New Satanists (Linda Blood) –Eleanor S. Clark; Reviewer (117-119)
CSJ Vol.12. No. 2 (1995) - PDF of Issue
Clinical Case Studies of Cult Members. Arthur Dole, Ph.D.(121-147)
Personality, Belief in the Paranormal, and Involvement with Satanic Practices Among Young Adult Males. Stuart M. Leeds.(148-165)
Secular and Religious Critiques of Cults: Complementary Visions, Not Irresolvable Conflicts. Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.(166-186)
Women and Cults: A Lawyer's Perspective. Herbert Rosedale, Esq.(187-194)
Book Review: Cults in Our Midst (Margaret Singer, Janja Lalich) –Rev. Walter Debold; Reviewr (195-197)
Book Review: Spying in Guru Land (William Shaw) –Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (198-202)
Book Review: Lambs to Slaughter (John Pietrangelo) –Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (203-207)
Book Review: Saints and Psychopaths (William Hamilton) –Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (208-210)
Book Review: Les Sectes: etat d’urgence (Centre de documentation, d’education and d’action contre les manipulations mentales) –Kay Schenk; Reviewer (211-215)
CSJ Vol.13. No. 1 (1996) - PDF of Issue
Legal Decision: Borawick v. Shay. (2-25)
Commentary on Borawick v. Shay: The Fate of Hypnotically Retrieved Memories. Alan W. Scheflin, Esq.(26-41)
Commentary on …Borawick v. Shay: Hypnosis, Social Influence, Incestuous Child Abuse, and Satanic Ritual Abuse: The Iatrogenic Creation of Horrific Memories for the Remote Past. Robert A. Karlin, Ph.D., & Martin T. Orne, M.D., Ph.D.(42-94)
Ethical Standards for Thought Reform Consultants. Carol Giambalvo, Joseph Kelly, Patrick Ryan & Madeleine Landau Tobias.(95-106)
Book Review: “Crazy” Therapies. (Margaret Singer & Janja Lalich) – Keith Harary; Reviewer (107)
Book Review: Prophets of the Apocalypse. (Kenneth Samples, Erwin M de Castro, Richard Abanes, Robert J. Lyle) – Linda James; Reviewer (108-112)
Book Review: Take Me for a Ride. (Mark Laxer) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (113-114)
Book Review: Dangerous Persuaders. (Louise Samways) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (115)
Book Review: America’s Alternative Religions. (Timothy Miller) – Arthur Dole; Reviewer (116-118)
Book Review: Recovering from Churches That Abuse. (Ronald Enroth) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (119-120)
Book Review: Conversions: A Philosophic Memoir. (A.L. Rosenthal) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (121)
Book Review: Christians in the Crossfire. (Mark McCann, James Foster) – Christina M. Lemieux; Reviewer (122-123)
CSJ Vol.13. No. 2 (1996) - PDF of Issue
Pseudo-identity and the Treatment of Personality Change in Victims of Captivity and Cults. Louis J. West, M.D. & Paul Martin, Ph.D.(125-152)
Psychosocial Evaluation of Suspected Psychological Maltreatment in Children and Adolescents. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children.(153-170)
Group Influence and the Psychology of Cultism Within Re-evaluation Counseling: A Critique. Dennis Tourish, M.Sc., Ph.D. & Pauline Irving, M.Sc., Dip. C.G., C.Psych., Ph.D.(171-193)
The Threat to Entrepreneurial Freedom and Initiative Posed by "New Age" Management Training Programs. Herbert L. Rosedale, Esq.(194-207)
Book Review: Urantia: The Great Cult Mystery. (Martin Gardner) – Douglas Groothuis; Reviewer (208-209)
Book Review: The Emerging Network: A Sociology of New Age and Neo-Pagan Movements. (M. York) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (210-211)
Book Review: Hypocrisy and Dissent within the Findhorn Foundation. (Stephen J. Castro) – Mari Tachikawa; Reviewer (212-213)
Book Review: Jesus in an Age of Controversy. (Douglas Groothuis) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (214-215)
Book Review: Religion and the Clinical Practice of Psychology. (E.P. Shafranske) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewr (216-218)
Book Review: Cults and the Occult. (E.C. Gruss) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewr (219)
Book Review: Out of the Cults and into the Church: Understanding and Encouraging Ex Cultists. (Janis Hutchinson) – Patrick Knapp; Reviewer (220)
Book Review: All the Emperor’s Men. (Garry A. Greenwood) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (221-225)
CSJ Vol.14. No. 1 (1997) - PDF of Issue
Introduction: “We Own Her Now.” Janja Lalich.(1-3)
Dominance and Submission: The Psychosexual Exploitation of Women in Cults. Janja Lalich.(4-21)
Gender Attributes That Affect Women’s Attraction to and Involvement in Cults. Shelly Rosen.(22-39)
Mothers In Cults: The Influence of Cults on the Relationship of Mothers to Their Children. Alexandra Stein.(40-57)
Sex, Lies, and Grand Schemes of Thought in Closed Groups. A Collective of Women.(58-84)
No Place to Go: Life in a Prison Without Bars. Katherine Betz.(85-105)
Wifely Subjection: Mental Health Issues in Jehovah’s Witness Women. Kaynor J. Weishaupt & Michael D. Stensland.(106-144)
Working with Women Survivors of Cults: An Empowerment Model for Counselors. Penny Dahlen.(145-154)
Book Review: Traveller in Space: In Search of Female Identity in Tibetan Buddhism. (June Campbell) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (155-156)
Book Review: Daughters of the Goddess: The Women Saints of India. (Linda Johnsen) – Joseph Kelly; Reviewer (157)
Book Review: Moon Sisters, Krishna Mothers, Rajneesh Lovers: Women’s Roles in New Religions. (Susan Jean Palmer) – Janja Lalich; Reviewer (158-160)
Book Review: Little X Growing up in the Nation of Islam. (Sonsyrea Tate) – Kathy Klein; Reviewer (161)
Book Review: Make Believe: A True Story. (Diana Athill) – Kathy Klein; Reviewer (162-164)
Book Review: Trauma and Recovery. (Judith Lewis Herman) – Sharon Hamm; Reviewer (165-169)
CSJ Vol.14. No. 2 (1997) - PDF of Issue
Hypnosis and the Iatrogenic Creation of Memory: On the Need for a Per Se Exclusion of Testimony Based on Hypnotically Influenced Recall. Robert A. Karlin & Martin T. Orne.(172-206)
False Memory and Buridan’s Ass: A Response to Karlin and Orne. Alan W. Scheflin.(207-289)
The Individual Cult Experience Index: The Assessment of Cult Involvement and Its Relationship to Postcult Distress. Nadine Winocur, Jonibeth Whitney, Carol Sorenson, Peggy Vaughn, & David Foy.(290-306)
Book Review: Feet of Clay: Saints, Sinners, and Madmen, A Study of Gurus. (Anthony Storr) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (307-308)
Book Review: Betrayal of the Spirit: My Life Behind the Headlines of the Hare Krishna Movement. (Nori Muster) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (309-310)
Book Review: Leaving the Fold. (Edward T. Babinski) – Walter Debold; Reviewer (311-312)
Book Review: A Time to Laugh. (B.J. Oropeza) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (313)
Book Review: The Dynamics of Religions Conversion. (V.B. Gillespie) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (314-315)
Book Review: The Prophets Children: Travels on the American Left. (Tim Wohlforth) – Dennis Tourish; Reviewer (316-320)
CSJ Vol.15. No. 1 (1998) - PDF of Issue
Women, the Law, and Cults: Three Avenues of Legal Recourse—New Rape Laws, Violence Against Women Act, and Antistalking Laws. Robin A. Boyle, J.D.(1-32)
Ideological Intransigence, Democratic Centralism, and Cultism: A Case Study from the Political Left. Dennis Tourish, Ph.D.(33-67)
Residence Halls and Cults: Fact or Fiction? Russell K. Elleven, Ed.D., Carolyn W. Kern, Ph.D., & Katherine Claunch Moore(68-76)
A Comment on the Debate Between Scheflin and Karlin and Orne on the Admissibility of Hypnotically Refreshed Testimony. Gilbert C. Hoover, IV, Esq.(77-82)
In Favor of a Per Se Exclusion of Hypnotically Influenced Testimony: A Reply to Hoover. Robert A. Karlin, Ph.D. and Martin T. Orne, M.D., Ph.D.(83-86)
Brief Report: Perceived Psychological Abuse and the Cincinnati Church of Christ. Donna L. Adams(87-88)
Book Review: A Force upon the Plain: The American Militia Movement and the Politics of Hate. (Kenneth Stern) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (89-90)
Book Review: Sects and New Religious Movements: An Anthology of Texts from the Catholic Church. (The Working Group on New Religious Movements) – Walter Debold; Reviewer (91-93)
Book Review: The Walking Wounded. (J. Reynalds) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (94-95)
Book Review: Reincarnation: The Missing Link in Christianity. (Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Erin L. Prophet) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (96-97)
Book Review: The Mother of God. (Luna Tarlo) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (98-100)
Book Review: The Psychology of Religion: An Empirical Approach (2nd ed.). (R.W. Hood, B Spilka, B. Hunsberger, R. Gorsuch) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (101-103)
Book Review: The Boston Movement: Clinical Perspectives on the International Churches of Christ, 2nd revised edition. (Carol Giambalvo, Herbert Rosedale) – Faye L. Snider; Reviewer (104-106)
CSJ Vol.15. No. 2 (1998) - PDF of Issue
Special Collection. Recovery From Cults: A Pastoral/Psychological Dialogue – Personal Accounts(107-108)
Moments of Grace. Nancy Miquelon(109-119)
Nothing Need Go to Waste. Patrick Knapp(120-129)
From Counterfeit to Truth: A Personal Quest. Carson Miles(130-138)
Bible-Cult Mind Control. David Clark(139-150)
Overcoming the Bondage of Revictimization: A Rational/Empirical Defense of Thought Reform. Paul R. Martin, Ph.D., Lawrence Pile, Ron Burks, & Stephen Martin(151-191)
Cult Experience: Psychological Abuse, Distress, Personality Characteristics, and Changes in Personal Relationships Reported by Former Members of Church Universal and Triumphant. Irene Gasde, Richard Block, Ph.D.(192-221)
Book Review: Religion and the Social Order (Vol. 3 of The Handbook on Cults and Sects in America). (D.G. Bromley, J. Hadden) – Arthur Dole; Reviewer (222-224)
Book Review: The Recovered Memory/False Memory Debate. (Kathy Pezdek, William Banks) – Arthur Dole; Reviewer (225-228)
Book Review: Fire and Blood: The True Story of David Koresh and the Waco Siege. (David Leppard) – Kimberly Salow; Reviewr (229)
Book Review: Understanding New Religious Movements. (John A. Saliba) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (230-233)
Book Review: Cult Encounter and an International Story of a Family’s Experience of Exit Counseling (Ethical Deprogramming of the Nineties). (Helen & Rick Larsen) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (234-235)
CSJ Vol.16. No. 1 (1999) - PDF of Issue
How Childlren in Cults May Use Emancipation Laws to Free Themselves. Robin A. Boyle(1-32)
Psychological Distress in Former Members of the International Churches of Christ and Noncultic Groups. Peter T. Malinoski, Michael D. Langone, & Steven Jay Lynn(33-51)
In Good Faith: Society and the New Religious Movements, Summary Report. Swedish Government Commission(52-63)
Book Review: In the Shadow of the Moons: My Life in the Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s Family. (Nansook Hong) – Marcia Rudin; Reviewer (64-66)
Book Review: Seductive Poison: A Jonestown Survivor’s Story of Life and Death in the People’s Temple. (Deborah Layton) – Marcia Rudin; Reviewer (67-69)
Book Review: Memory, Trauma Treatment, and the Law. (Daniel Brown, Alan Scheflin, D. Corydon Hammond) – Helen L. McGonigle; Reviewer (70-73)
Book Review: Thieves of Innocence. (John Ankerberg, J. Weldon, F. Brach) – Lita Linzer Schwartz; Reviewer (74)
Book Review: Wolves within the Fold: Religious Leadership and Abuses of Power. (Anson Shupe) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (75-77)
Book Review: How to Rescue Your Loved One from Mormonism. (David Reed, John Farkas) – Marvin W. Clifford; Reviewer (78-79)
Book Review: Boy Soldiers. (A. Hicklin) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (80-81)
CSJ Vol. 16. No. 2 (1999) - PDF of Issue
Shipwrecked in the Spirit: Implications of Some Controversial Catholic Movements. Judith Church Tydings(83-179)
Comment on "Shipwrecked in the Spirit": An Urgent Pastoral Concern. Michael Duggan(180-184)
Proposing a "Bill of Inalienable Rights" for Intentional Communities. Benjamin Zablocki(185-192)
How Should the Communities Movement Handle Questions of Abuse? Responding to Benjamin Zablocki's Proposed "Bill of Rights." Laird Sandhill(193-196)
Comment on Leeds (1995). Paul Cardwell, Jr.(197-202)
Book Review: Anti-Cult Movements in Cross-Cultural Perspective. (Anson Supe, David Bromley) – Arthur Dole; Reviewer (203-204)
Book Review: Snowboarding to Nirvana. (Frederick Lenz) – Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (205-210)
Book Review: The Spiritualists: The Passion for the Occult in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (211-212)
Book Review: The Culting of America. (Ron Rhodes) – Christine Lemieux; Reviewer (213-214)
Book Review: Handbook of Religious Experience. (R.W. Hood) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (215-216)
Book Review: A Consumer’s Guide to “Alternative Medicine”: A Close Look at Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Faith-Healing, And Other Unconventional Treatments. (Ken Butler) – Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (217-219)
CSJ Vol. 17 (2000) - PDF of Issue
Child Fatalities from Religion-Motivated Neglect. Seth M. Asser, M.D. & Rita Swan, Ph.D.(1-14)
Prophets of the Apocalypse: White Supremacy and the Theology of Christian Identity. Dennis Tourish, PH.D. & Tim Wohlforth(15-41)
Domestic Violence as a Cultic System. David Ward(42-55)
Brainwashing and Re-Indoctrination Programs in the Children of God/The Family. Stephen A. Kent, Ph.D. & Deana Hall(56-78)
The Two “Camps” of Cultic Studies: Time for a Dialogue. Michael Langone, Ph.D.(79-100)
“Mind Control” in New Religious Movements and the American Psychological Association. Dr. Alberto Amitrani & Dr. Raffaella Di Marzio(101-121)
Blind or Just Don’t Want to See? Brainwashing, Mystification, and Suspicion. Dr. Alberto Amitrani & Dr. Raffaella Di Marzio(122-142)
The Relation of Group Philosophy to Different Types of Dangerous Conduct in Cultic Groups. Dianne Casoni, Ph.D.(143-167)
The Falun Gong: Beyond the Headlines. Patsy Rahn(168-186)
Comment on Tydings’ “Shipwrecked in the Spirit” – Walter Debold (187-188)
Book Review: The Suggestibility of Children’s Recollections: Implications for Eyewitness Testimony. Doni Whitsett; Reviewer (189-191)
Book Review: Jesus Doesn’t Live Here Anymore: From Fundamentalists to Freedom Writer. Nadine Winocur; Reviewer (192-194)
Book Review: Corporate Cults: The Insidious Lure of the All-Consuming Organization. Dennis Tourish; Reviewer (195-198)
Book Review: The Socratic Universe: Interviews with California Philosophers. Frank MacHovec; Reviewer (199)
Book Review: The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision. Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (200-203)
Book Review: Peculiar Prophets: Biographical Dictionary of New Religions. Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (204)
Book Review: Holy Smoke. Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (205-210)
Book Review: “Cult” Alert: A Practical Handbook for Saving Families. Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (211-213)
Book Review: 400 Years of Imaginary Friends: A Journey into the World of Adepts, Masters, Ascended Masters, and Their Messengers. Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (214-215)
Book Review: The Giver. Joseph Szimhart; Reviewer (216-217)
Book Review: Index of Watchtower Errors. Evertt Shropshire; Reviewer (218-219)
Book Review: New Age Almanac. Sharon Colvin; Reviewer (220-222)
Book Review: Prophetic Charisma: The Psychology of Revolutionary Religious Personalities (Len Oakes) – Lita Schwartz, Reviewer (223-224)
Book Review: Charismatic Cult Leaders (T. Streissguth) – Lita Schwartz Reviewer (223-224)
Book Review: Multiple Personality Disorder From the Inside Out (Barry Cohen) – Andrea Bloomgarden, Reviewer (225-227)
CSJ Vol. 18 (2001) - PDF of Issue
Cults, Psychological Manipulation and Society: International Perspectives – An Overview. Michael Langone, Ph.D.(1-12)
What Should We Do About Cults: An Italian Perspective. Dr. Raffaella Di Marzio(13-31)
Cults, Freedom of Belief, and Freedom of Religion. Judge Denis Barthelemy(32-35)
The Crimes and Teachings of Aum Shinrikyo. Hiroshi Hirata, Attorney at Law(36-42)
Cults in Japan: Legal Issues. Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Attorney at Law(43-68)
What Should be Done About Cults? Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.(69-81)
The Millennium is Here – And so are the Cults. Lita Linzer Schwartz, Ph.D.(82-99)
Cults on Campus: Perceptions of Chief Counseling Officers. Russel K. Elleven, Ed.D.; Jennifer Van Veldhuizen, & Elizabeth Taylor, Ph.D.(100-108)
Healing from Experiences with Unhealthy Spiritual Groups and Cults: Treatment Using Myths and Folk Tales. Leland E. Shields & F. Jeri Carter, Ph.D.(109-139)
Enemies Within: Conflict and Control in the Baha’i Community. Karen Bacquet(140-171)
Arousal, Capacity, and Intense Indoctrination. Robert S. Baron, Ph.D.(172-207)
Book Review: “Therapeutic Touch”. Larry Sarner; Reviewer (208-214)
Book Review: Mesmerized: The History of Memorization in Victorian Britain. Herbert Rosedale; Reviewer (215-217)
Book Review: Other Altars: Roots and Realities of Cultic and Satanic Ritual Abuse and Multiple Personality Disorder. Marvin W. Clifford; Reviewer (218)
Book Review: Deception by Design: The Mormon Story. Timothy Mayworm; Reviewer (219-220)
Book Review: Why Waco. Maxine Pinson; Reviewer (221)
Book Review: Destroying the World to Save It. Walter Debold; Reviewer (222-225)