On This Page
Some recordings on this page are available to the public on ICSA's YouTube channel. Most are only available to members through links on this page.
Sample Videos
Coercive Control & Cults: An Overview. Steve Eichel
Building Bridges; Leaving and Recovering from Cultic Groups and Relationships: An 8-Week Webinar for Families and Former Members. Rachel Bernstein, Joseph Kelly, Patrick Ryan
What Do I Tell People? Empowered Ways that Cult Survivors and their Families Can Tell their Stories. Rachel Bernstein
What Do I Tell People? Empowered Ways that Cult Survivors and their Families Can Tell their Stories. Rachel Bernstein
Recovery Issues
NEW! Generation Cult: Using New Media to Share Your Story. Dhyana Levey.
NEW! Learning From Former Members' Experiences of Receiving Professional Help. Catherine de Boer.
NEW! Reawakening Your Spirituality After a Cult Experience. Doug Duncan. Wendy Duncan.
Leaving and Recovering from Cultic Groups and Relationships. Michael Langone, Patrick Ryan
The Challenges of Parenting as an Adult Former Cult Member. Eva Mackey
Saved by Our Son. Russ Bradshaw, Gunilla Bradshaw
What Do I Tell People? Empowered Ways that Cult Survivors and their Families Can Tell their Stories. Cults, Recovery and Podcasts. Rachel Bernstein
The Neurobiology of Sexual Abuse: Flashbacks, Triggers and Healing. Doni Whitsett (introduction by Steve Eichel)
The Neurobiology of Sexual Abuse: Flashbacks, Triggers and Healing. Doni Whitsett
Therapy with Former Cult Members. Lorna Goldberg
Spiritual Abuse
NEW! Panel: All Life is Suffering - Cultic Tendencies and Student Abuse in Buddhism. Christopher Hamacher. Stuart Lachs. Tenzin Peljor.
NEW! Regaining Your Footing: First Steps of Recovery from Spiritual Abuse. Ken Garrett.
NEW! We Started as a Church, and Ended up as a Cult . Ken Garrett.
NEW! Purity Culture as a Form of Sexual Abuse. Alice Greczyn .
NEW! Rev. Neil Damgaard interviews Rev. Robert Pardon, founder of MeadowHaven, a residential facility for victims of spiritual abuse
Understanding the Experience of African-American Families in Religiously Abusive Organizations. Alisha Powell
Spiritual Manipulation in Pseudo-Christian Cults: A Panel Discussion with Former Cult Members. Wendy Duncan, Doug Duncan, Cindy Matthews
Regaining Your Footing: First Steps of Recovery From Spiritual Abuse (Ken Garrett)
What is a Cult? Margaret Singer
Former Jehovah’s Witness Recovery Series
The objectives for this series are to help former members identify psychological challenges that may arise when they leave the faith, provide relevant background information for therapists working with former Jehovah’s Witnesses, and provide information that will help former Jehovah’s Witnesses in therapy better understand the issues with which they are dealing.
Interview with Michael Shemwell. (Interviewer, Ashlen Hilliard)
Interview with Gillie Jenkinson. (Interviewer, Ashlen Hilliard)
Interview of Michael Shemwell
Mental Health Professionals Series
NEW! Domestic Violence in a Fabricated Family: Reflections on a Cult Next Door. Elizabeth Burchard.
Working With Former Cult Members: How do we Deal With Transference Reactions and our Countertransference Responses? Lorna Goldberg, Bill Goldberg (Santa Fe, 2019)
Toward a Positive Sexuality: What is it, and how do I Help People get There? Steve Eichel; Doni Whitsett (Santa Fe, 2019)
Unlocking Painful Secrets With Art Therapy. Nori Muster (Santa Fe, 2019)
The Psychology of Coercive Control Online Masters Program Overview. Linda Dubrow-Marshall, Rod Dubrow-Marshall (ICSA 2020 Webinar)

Working with Former Cult Members. Lorna Goldberg; William Goldberg (Santa Fe, 2019)
Cult Stories
In Cult Stories former members of cultic groups or relationships are interviewed by ICSA to explore how they became involved in a group, what their life was like in the group, why they left, and how they dealt with departure.
Interview with Joseph Szimhart (12 October 2019) - Bio of Joe Szimhart
Interview with Paul Lennon (26 October 2019) - Bio of Paul Lennon
Interview with Patrick Ryan (7 November 2019) - Bio of Patrick Ryan
Interview with Dan Shaw (9 November 2019) - Bio of Dan Shaw
Interview with Nori Muster (16 November 2019) - Bio of Nori Muster
Interview with Charlene Edge and her daughter Rachel Chase (18 January 2020) - Bios of Charlene Edge and Rachel Chase
Interview with Elizabeth Perry (28 March 2020) - Bio of Elizabeth Perry

Cult Stories: Interview with Charlene Edge and her daughter Rachel Chase
ICSA History Series
NEW! 40 Years of ICSA (Michael Langone) Presented by Lorna Goldberg. Presentation by Lorna Goldberg at the International Cultic Studies Association annual conference in Manchester, UK in 2019. International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) was founded as American Family Foundation (name changed in 2004) in 1979. Hence, 2019 is ICSA’s 40th anniversary. This talk will review high points in ICSA’s history, changes in ICSA’s constituencies, problems the organization has confronted, and prospects for its future.
Interview of Kay Barney. Robert E. Schecter interviewed Mr. Kay Barney, on November 10, 2018 as part of a series of interviews designed to illuminate ICSA’s history. Mr. Barney founded the American Family Foundation (AFF), which in 2004 changed its name to the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA). Mr. Barney discusses the personal situation that first got him interested in cults, the events that led to the formation of ICSA (then AFF), early challenges, and current prospets.
Interview of Michael Langone. Robert E. Schecter interviewed Michael Langone, on April 7, 2018 as part of a series of interviews designed to illuminate ICSA’s history. Dr. Langone, long-time executive director of ICSA, discusses his work in the early 1980's with Dr. John Clark and the American Family Foundation (ICSA's original name), the changes he has observed in the organization and the cultic studies field, and his views on ICSA and its future.
Interview of Michael Kropveld. Robert E. Schecter interviewed Michael Kropveld on April 7, 2018 as part of a series of interviews designed to illuminate ICSA’s history. Mr. Kropveld discusses how he first got interested in this field, the founding of the organization he now heads (Info-Cult/Info-Secte), changes he has observed in the field over the years, and his views on ICSA and its future.
Interview of Marcia Rudin. Robert E. Schecter interviewed Marcia Rudin on July 5, 2018 as part of a series of interviews designed to illuminate ICSA’s history. Ms. Rudin discusses her early work in this field, including the publication of one of the first books on the subject. She also discusses her work as director of ICSA’s International Cult Education Program and her views on ICSA and its future.
Interview of Steve Eichel. Robert E. Schecter interviewed Steve Eichell on July 7, 2018 as part of a series of interviews designed to illuminate ICSA’s history. Dr. Eichel, who has served as ICSA’s president, discusses his early work in this field, including co-founding the counseling organization RETIRN. He also discusses changes he has observed in the field and his views on ICSA and its future.
Interview of Alan Scheflin. Robert E. Schecter interviewed Alan W. Scheflin on July 6, 2018 as part of a series of interviews designed to illuminate ICSA’s history. In the interview, Professor Scheflin, a former president of ICSA, discusses how he became interested in cults, his research and writings, and his views on ICSA and its future.
Interview of Eileen Barker. Robert E. Schecter interviewed Professor Barker on July 7, 2018 as part of a series of interviews designed to illuminate ICSA’s history. Dr. Barker describes her early work in this area, including the founding of the British organization, INFORM, and how the pro-anti-cult polarization diminished as a result of ongoing dialogue that began in the late 1990s. She also discusses her views of ICSA and its future.
Interview of Wendy Ford Wolfberg. Robert E. Schecter interviewed Wendy Ford Wolfberg on May 3, 2018 as part of a series of interviews designed to illuminate ICSA’s history. Ms. Ford Wolfberg, who wrote Recovery From Abusive Groups, discusses her cult experience, deprogramming, and recovery. She also discusses changes she has observed in the field and her views on ICSA and its future.
Interview of Rod Dubrow-Marshall. Robert E. Schecter interviewed Rod Dubrow-Marshall on July 5, 2018 as part of a series of interviews designed to illuminate ICSA's history. Dr. Dubrow-Marshall describes his initial contact with ICSA, early work in this area, development of totalistic identity theory, and his views on ICSA and its future.
Interview of Linda Dubrow-Marshall. Robert E. Schecter interviewed Linda Dubrow-Marshall on July 5, 2018 as part of a series of interviews designed to illuminate ICSA's history. Dr. Dubrow-Marshall describes her early work in this area, including the founding of the counseling organization, RETIRN, and her views of ICSA and its future.
Interview of David Clark, Joseph Kelly, and Patrick Ryan. Robert E. Schecter interviewed tree exit counselors, David Clark, Joseph Kelly, and Patrick Ryan, on October 27, 2018 as part of a series of interviews designed to illuminate ICSA's history. The three men discuss the changes they have seen over the many years of their involvement in the field.
Interview of Marsha Addis. Robert E. Schecter, PhD, interviewed Marsha Addis on March 11, 2018 as part of a series of interviews designed to illuminate ICSA’s history. Ms. Addis discusses her early work in this field with Dr. Jolly West, including her work with the Los Angeles Jewish Family Service's Cult Clinic and her history with ICSA.
Interview of Carol Giambalvo. Robert E. Schecter, PhD, interviewed Carol Giambalvo on July 5, 2018 as part of a series of interviews designed to illuminate ICSA’s history. Ms. Giambalvo discusses her personal cultic experience, how she became involved in the field, the work she did for ICSA, and her views on ICSA and its future.
ICSA History Collection. Interview of Michael Langone, Executive Director of ICSA since 1980.
ICSA History Collection. Interview of Kay H. Barney, who founded ICSA in 1979 (then called American Family Foundation)
ICSA History Collection: Interview of Mike Kropveld
ICSA History Collection: Interview of Alan Scheflin
ICSA History Collection: Interview of Carol Giambalvo
An Evening with Margaret Singer and Jolly West