Cultic Therapies
We use the term "cultic therapies" to refer to programs of psychological or medical treatment that may tend toward excessive use of manipulative techniques. Though some people may be harmed by such programs, others may remain unharmed, and others may benefit. The existence of harm, however, may result in criticism of the program.
Listed below are articles and book reviews on this site that are relevant to this topic.
A Psychoanalytic Look at Recovered Memories - Lorna Goldberg
Crazy Wisdom - William Yenner
Creating the Illusion of Mind Reading - Bob Fellows
False Memory and Buridan's Ass - Alan Scheflin
Large Group Awareness Trainings - Michael Langone
Manipulative Therapists - Shirley Siegel
Pathological Psychoanalysis - Amy Siskind
Psychiatric Association Statement on Repressed Memories
Psychotherapy Cults - Margaret Singer, Maurice Temerlin, & Michael Langone
Psychotherapy Cults: An Ethical Analysis - Kim Boland & Gordon Lindbloom
Psychotherapy of a Mass Therapy Encounter Group - Anita Solomon
Residential Treatment: The Potential for Cultic Evolution - David Halperin
Ritual Child Abuse: Understanding the Controversies - David Lloyd
Some Hazards of the Therapeutic Relationship - Jane Temerlin & Maurice Temerlin
Warning: Meditating may be Hazardous to Your Health - Sandy Brundage
Weaponizing Therapy - Adam Arnold
Book Reviews
Book Review - Madness and Evil
Book Review - Memory, Trauma Treatment, and the Law
Book Review - Power Games: Influence, Persuasion, and Indoctrination in Psychotherapy Training
Book Review - Rise and Fall of Synanon
Book Review - Science and Pseudoscience in Clinical Psychology
Book Review - The Recovered Memory/False Memory Debate
Book Review - The Suggestibility of Children s' Recollections
Book Review - Therapeutic Touch