Government and Public Policy
A Comparison of Different Countries’ Approaches to Cult-Related Issues - Mike Kropveld
Info-Cult/Info-Secte, of which the author is executive director, maintains an online collection of government reports.
Aid and Assistance for Consumer Damages from Religious Activities - Japan Federation of Bar Associations
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Predicaments: The Truth, Deceit, and Issues Surrounding Falun Gong - Frank Tian Xie, et al.
Comments on Stender Article - George Driesen, et al.
Conflict Between Aum Critics and Human Rights Activists in Japan - Yoshihide Sakurai
Cultic Issues and Religious Freedom - Willy Fautre
Cultism, Terrorism, and Homeland Security - Stephen Bruce Mutch
Cults and Globalization: Reflections and Questions – Mike Kropveld
Cults and Religious Privileges in England and Australia: Can the Wheat be Separated from the Chaff? -Stephen Bruce Mutch
Cults and the European Parliament: A Practical Political Response to an International Problem - David Wilshire
Cults in American Society - David Hominek
Cults in Japan: Legal Issues - Hiroshi Yamaguchi
Cults, Freedom of Belief, and Freedom of Religion - Judge Denis Barthelemy
Cults, Psychological Manipulation and Society: International Perspectives – An Overview - Michael Langone
Cults, Religion, and China: Policy Frameworks for the Regulation of Religious and Quasireligious Groups - Stephen Mutch
Cults, State Control, and Falun Gong: A Comment on Herbert Rosedale's "Perspectives on Cults as Affected by the September 11th Tragedy.” - Thomas Robbins
Divergent European Cult Policies: A Reply to Henri de Cordes. - Richard Singelenberg
Falun Gong and the World: How Many Eight-Years Do We Need? – Comment on Langone (2007). -Frank Tian Xie
Governments and Cults - Michael Kropveld
Ideology, Demonization, and Scholarship: The Need for Objectivity—A Response to Robbins' Comments on Rosedale, the Chinese Government, and Falun Gong. - Herbert L. Rosedale
In Good Faith: Society and the New Religious Movements, Summary Report - Swedish Government Commission
Japanese Activities to Counter Cults - Hiroshi Yamaguchi
Legal Regulations and Police Responsibilities with Regard to Totalitarian Groups - Ferran Alonso
New Organizations Operating Under the Protection Afforded to Religious Bodies - Resolution of the European Parliament
Persuasive Techniques in Contemporary Cults: A Public Health Approach - Louis J. West
Pluralism, Deeds, Creeds, and Cults - Michael Langone
Policy Implications of Cultic Studies Research. Michael Langone
Preventing Cultic Deviations in Europe: Reply to Singelenberg’s Comment - Henri de Cordes
Preventing Cultic/Sectarian Deviations in Europe: Policies That Differ - Henri de Cordes
Prevention Program on Psychologically Manipulative Techniques - Esther Maté, et al.
Preventive Education on Cultism for High School Students: A Comparison of Different Programs' Effects on Potential Vulnerability to Cults - Andrea Bloomgarden, et al.
Reflections on Falun Gong and the Chinese Government -Michael D. Langone
Reply to Xie - Michael D. Langone
Selections from the Second Vatican Council's Declaration on Religious Freedom
The Chemistry of a Conflict: The Chinese Government and the Falun Gong - Patsy Rahn
The Council of Europe's Report on Sects and New Religious Movements
The Falun Gong: Beyond the Headlines - Patsy Rahn
The Law to Protect Victims of Manipulation: A Victory for Region Friuli Venezia Giulia – Cristina Caparesi
The PRC and Falun Gong - Michael D. Langone
The Vatican Report: Sects or New Religious Movements: A Pastoral Challenge
What Falun Gong Really Teaches - Samuel Luo
What Should be Done About Cults? - Michael D. Langone
What Should We Do About Cults: An Italian Perspective - Raffaella Di Marzio
Book Reviews
Book Review: Church State Relations: Tensions and Transitions
Book Review: Cult Controversies: The Societal Response to the New Religious Movements
Book Review: Cults, Culture, and the Law: Perspectives on New Religions Movements
Book Review: God vs. the Gavel: Religion and the Rule of Law
Book Review: Justice Denied, What America Must Do to Protect Its Children