Terrorism - Cultic Dimensions
Interview with Dr. Eolene Boyd-MacMillan, social psychologist based in the Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge, and co-directs the ICthinking® research group.
Interview with Professor Roger Griffin, author of Terrorist's Creed: Fanatical violence and the human need for meaning
Interview with Dr. Florence Gaub, deputy director at the European Union Institute for Security Studies where she heads the Middle East and North Africa programme
A Psychosocial Analysis of the Terrorist Group As a Cult - Álvaro Rodríguez et al.
A Question of Participation - Disengagment from the extremist right. A case study from Sweden - Tina Wilchen Christensen (dissertation)
Are Terrorists Cultists? - Arthur A. Dole
Assessing Religious Terror - David Conway
Communist Attempts to Elicit False Confessions from Air Force POWs - Albert Biderman
Concerning Features of an Apocalyptic Cult in the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) - Marita LaPalm
Conflict Between Aum Critics and Human Rights Activists in Japan - Yoshihide Sakuria
Cultic Dimensions of the London 7/21 Bombings - Dennis Tourish
Cultism, Terrorism, and Homeland Security - Stephen Bruce Mutch
Cults and Terrorism: Similarities and Differences - Christopher M. Centner
De-Radicalization Programs Offer Hope in Countering Terrorism - John G. Horgan
Does ISIS Satisfy the Criteria of an Apocalyptic Islamic cult? An Evidence-Based Historical Qualitative Meta-analysis - Bruce Barron and Diane L. Mayre
European Muslims and the Cult of Jihadism - Akyol Mustafa
Fight War of Ideas Against Extremism -Tony Blair
In Bordeaux, an Experiment in Preventing Radicalization
'It is a battle for hearts and minds': Trudeau's $35 million gamble to counter radicalization
Manchurian Candidate Was No Mere Fiction - Mark Sauter
North Korea Begins Brainwashing Children in Cult of the Kims as Early as Kindergarten -Anna Fifield
Perspectives on Cults As Affected by the September 11th Tragedy - Herbert L. Rosedale
Psychological Makeup of a Pakistani Muslim Suicide Bomber: An Observation-Based Perspective - Aftab Khan
Psychology of Terrorism - Randy Borum
Radicalization: Why do Western Youth Join Extremist Groups?- Marian Scott
Radicalization into Violent Extremism I: A Review of Social Science Theories - Randy Borum
Responding to Jihadism: A Cultic Studies Perspective - Michael D. Langone
Same Anger, Different Ideologies: Radical Muslim and Neo-Nazi - Katrin Bennhold
Teaching Terror: Subject Bibliographies Published in Perspectives on Terrorism
Terror and Terrorism: A History of Ideas and Philosophical-Ethical Reflections - Brig. Gen. Edwin R. Micewski
Terror in the Name of God: The Rise of Religious Terrorism - John W. Morehead et al.
Terrorism and Cultic Dynamics - Michael Langone
Terrorism and Cults - Hal Mansfield
Terrorist Motivations, Extreme Violence, and the Pursuit of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) -Jaime Gomez
Terrorist Organizations Are Cults - Masoud Banisadr
Terrorists Are Made, Not Born: Creating Terrorists Using Social Psychological Conditioning - Anthony Stahelski
The Cult That is North Korea - Christopher Centner
The Red Mosque: A Case Study of How Religion Can Evolve into a Terrorist Cult - Ana Ballesteros Peiró et al.
The Science of Interpersonal Trust - Randy Borum
The Seven-Stage Hate Model: The Psychopathology of Hate Groups. John R. Schafer et al.
'This Could be Your Child:' STU Professor Helps Families with Children Lost to Jihadist Movement
Tom Olsen Describes Life As A Neo-Nazi Thug and How He Was ‘De-Radicalised’
Un análisis de las estrategias y consecuencias del terrorismo psicológico aplicado por el entramado de ETA - Javier Martin-Peña et al.
Understanding Terrorist Psychology - Randy Borum
Who are the Sufis and Why Does ISIS See Them as Threatening?
Book Reviews
Book Review: Destroying the World to Save It
Book Review: No god but God: Origins, Evolution and Future Islam
Book Review: Terror in the Name of God
Book Review: The Battle for God: Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Book Review: The Caged Virgin: A Muslim Woman’s Cry for Reason
Book Review: The Heart of Islam: Enduring Values for Humanity
Book Review: Them and Us: Cult Thinking and the Terrorist Threat
Articles from ICSA News Desk
2016-10-03 The Problem with the Effort to De-Radicalize Jihadis
2016-09-16 ISIS is raising a new generation of terrorist fighters — and its system of indoctrination is 'unprecedented'
2016-08-27 In Kerala [India], parents struggle to shake children from the influence of ultra-conservative Islam
2016-07-07 Living and Escaping a Terrorist Cult
2016-05-02 3 Powerful Conflict-Resolution Strategies From an Anti-terrorism Leader
2016-04-29 How I Almost Became a Boko Haram Suicide Bomber
2016-03-22 Life After Hate
2015-12-05 ISIS Followers in US Are Diverse and Young
2015-11-22 More Islamic State defectors speaking out - report
2015-10-12 What You Don't Understand about Suicide Attacks
2015-09-14 How Does A Normal Student' Like Seifeddine Rezgui Turn Into A Cold-Blooded Murderer?
2015-07-29 Opinion: Federal Anti-Radicalization Efforts Have Taken Too Narrow an Approach
2015-05-11 Assessing Religious Terror
2015-04-10 Same Anger, Different Ideologies: Radical Muslim and Neo-Nazi
2015-03-20 North Korea Begins Brainwashing Children in Cult of the Kims as Early as Kindergarten
2015-02-22 De-Radicalization Programs Offer Hope in Countering Terrorism
2014-11-25 Fight War of Ideas Against Extremism
2014-10-29 Radicalization: Why do Western Youth Join Extremist Groups?
2014-10-22 A Former MEK Member Speaks About the “Cult” of Extremism
2014-06-19 Tom Olsen Describes Life As A Neo-Nazi Thug and How He Was ‘De-Radicalised’
Masoud: Memoirs of an Iranian Rebel . Masoud Banisadr