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Reports from the Catholic Church and Catholic Periodicals
Sects or New Religious Movements: a pastoral challenge, Vatican, May 3, 1986;
ICSA reprint of the Vatican Report
Berry, Jason. Former Legion Followers Criticize Oversight of Order (National Catholic Reporter, online Dec. 27, 2013)
Articles Published in ICSA Periodicals
Bussell, Harold. Checks on power and authority in the New Testament
Bussell, Harold. Why Evangelicals are vulnerable to cults
Dowhower, Richard. Cults: What clergy should know
Enroth, Ronald. Dysfunctional churches
Fagan, Kevin. The teenage dissent of Newman and Unamuno: Conscience as a safeguard against coercive manipulation
Giambalvo, Carol. An open letter to clergy
ICSA Today. Three articles on the Legion of Christ
Langone, Michael. Characteristics associated with cultic groups
Langone, Michael. Harm, new religious movements, and ICSA
Langone, Michael. Introduction: Cults, Evangelicals, and the ethics of social influence
Langone, Michael. Psychological abuse
LeBar, James. Evangelism and freedom in the Catholic Church
Lennon, John Paul. Aspects of concern regarding the Legion of Christ
Langone, Michael. Reflections on the Legion of Christ.
Lifton, Robert Jay. Cult formation
Litfin, A. D. The perils of persuasive preaching
Moncada, Alberto. Opus Dei over time
Langone, Michael. Comment on "Opus Dei over time"
Reimers, Adrian. Charismatic Covenant Community: A failed promise
Reimers, Adrian. More than the Devil's due
Tydings, Judith. Shipwrecked in the spirit: Implications of some controversial Catholic movements
Debold, Walter. Comment on "shipwrecked in the spirit"
Duggan, Michael. Comment on "shipwrecked in the spirit"
Vere, Peter. Sifting the wheat from the tares